DclDraw3DMarker (SCPMU, SCPMZU) |
Draw marker line with 3 dimension user coordinates systems. |
Dc lDraw3DMarkerNormalized (SCPMV, SCPMZV) |
Draw marker line with 3 dimension regular coordinates systems. |
DclSet3DMarkerType (SCSPMT) |
Set marker type. |
DclSet3DMarkerIndex (SCSPMI) |
Set line index of a marker. |
DclSet3DMarkerSize (SCSPMS) |
Set size of a marker. |
DclGet3DMarkerType (SCQPMT) |
Refer to marker type. |
DclGet3DMarkerIndex (SCQPMI) |
Refer to line index of a marker. |
DclGet3DMarkerSize (SCQPMS) |
Refer to size of a marker. |
*The corresponding f77 interface name in parentheses.
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