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Experiment for Venus-like planet

A method to perform an experiment for Venus-like planet by using forcing by Yamamoto and Takahashi (2003) is described.

  1. Overview
  2. Preparation of a directory for experiments
  3. Create initial data file
  4. Run the experiment
  5. Visualization of result
  6. Final remark
  7. References


This experiment does not require additional data, such as SST data. Thus, the experiment is performed with the following 3 steps:

Preparation of a directory for experiments

Let us move to the top directory of dcpam5 src tree (assuming dcpam5-YYYYMMDD in the following example). Here, we perform an experiment in ../dcpam5-exp/Venuslike-exp directory. Please create the directory and enter there as follows:

$ mkdir -p ../dcpam5-exp/Venuslike-exp
$ cd ../dcpam5-exp/Venuslike-exp

Then, pleaase create the directories for executable files and configuration files as follows:

$ mkdir bin
$ mkdir conf

Finally, executable files and configuration files are copied as follows:

$ cp ../../dcpam5-YYYYMMDD/src/main/dcpam_main bin
$ cp ../../dcpam5-YYYYMMDD/src/main/dcpam_init_data  bin
$ cp ../../dcpam5-YYYYMMDD/exp_setup_files/*.conf conf

Note that you can perform an experiment in any directory by using executable files and configuration (NAMELIST) files.

Create initial data file

Create initial data file "init_T10L50.nc" using "dcpam_init_data" and "init_data_Vlp_T10L50.conf"

$ ./bin/dcpam_init_data -N=./conf/init_data_Vlp_T10L50.conf

 *** MESSAGE [init_data] ***  Run: Initial data generation
 *** MESSAGE [init_data] ***  -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20140204 $$Id: exp-Venuslike.rd,v 1.11 2014-02-04 10:29:04 yot Exp $
 *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] ***  ----- Initialization Messages -----
 *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] ***    MaxNmlArySize = 256
 *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] ***  -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20140204 $$Id: exp-Venuslike.rd,v 1.11 2014-02-04 10:29:04 yot Exp $
 *** WARNING [timeset] ***  NAMELIST group "timeset_nml" is not found in "./conf/init_data_Vlp_T10L50.conf" (iostat=186).
 *** MESSAGE [timeset] ***  ----- Initialization Messages -----
 *** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***  ----- Initialization Messages -----
 *** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***    Pattern = SmallVapAvr = 0.
 *** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***    Ueq     = 0.
 *** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***
 *** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***  -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20140204 $$Id: exp-Venuslike.rd,v 1.11 2014-02-04 10:29:04 yot Exp $

Run the experiment

Using an executable files 'dcpam_main' and a NAMELIST file dcpam_Vlp_T10L50.conf, execute 'dcpam_main' as follows. This program will be finished in few minutes - tens of minutes.

$ ./bin/dcpam_main -N=./conf/dcpam_Vlp_T10L50.conf | tee Vlp.log

 *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] ***  ----- Initialization Messages -----
 *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] ***    MaxNmlArySize = 256
 *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] ***  -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20140204 $$Id: exp-Venuslike.rd,v 1.11 2014-02-04 10:29:04 yot Exp $
 *** MESSAGE [dcpam_main] ***  NAMELIST group "dcpam_main_nml" is loaded from "./conf/dcpam_Vlp_T10L50.conf".
 *** MESSAGE [dcpam_main] ***  FlagDynamics=<T>.
 *** MESSAGE [dcpam_main] ***  FlagRadiationDennouAGCM=<T>.
 *** MESSAGE [dcpam_main] ***  FlagRadiationDcpamEV1  =<F>.
 *** MESSAGE [dcpam_main] ***  FlagRadiationDcpamMV1  =<F>.
 *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "VUBalance.nc" is closed

 ############## CPU TIME SUMMARY ################
 surface_properties     0.000000E+00
 auxiliary              0.108007E+00
 vdiffusion_my1974      0.520025E-01
 dynamics_hspl_vas83    0.187212E+01
 mass_fixer             0.280015E-01
 check_prog_vars        0.800041E-02
 timefilter_asselin19   0.280015E-01
 others                 0.552037E+00
        TOTAL TIME =    0.264816E+01

In this case, 5 days integration is performed. Resolution is T10L50 (Number of grid points of longitude, latitude is 32, 16, and number of vertical layer is 50). History data are output to 'U.nc' and 'Temp.nc' etc., and a restart data is output to 'restart.nc'.

Visualization of result

Zonal mean temperature distribution after integration for 5 days is shown below. It should be noted that the figure you draw may not be the same as that shown here because of difference in model version.


This figure is drawn by using Gphys, as follows:

Please type irb. 

$ irb

Following prompt of irb is shown. 


Type following lines. Please note that the left-most number is line number, and it has not been typed. 

1: require "numru/ggraph"
2: include NumRu
3: gphys = GPhys::IO.open('Temp.nc', 'Temp')
4: DCL.gropn(1)
5: DCL.sgpset('lcntl', false) ; DCL.uzfact(0.7)
6: GGraph.set_fig( 'itr'=> 2 )
7: GGraph.tone( gphys.mean('lon').cut('time'=>5) )
8: GGraph.color_bar
9: DCL.grcls

Type quit to exit irb. 

Above figure shows spin-up phase of the atmosphere, because Venus' atmosphere does not reach quasi-equilibrium in 5 days.

Final remark

If you would like to keep the results of the numerical experiment, please create a sub directory ("data01" for example), move the files, and keep the current directory neatly.

$ mkdir data01
$ mv *.nc *.log data01/

You can output the results of the numerical experimet concurrently with the execution. Please refer to "Change output settings" in Change experimental setup and try to configure "FilePrefix" variable in NAMELIST "&gtool_historyauto_nml".


$Id: exp-Venuslike.rd,v 1.11 2014-02-04 10:29:04 yot Exp $
DCPAM Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff dcstaff@gfd-dennou.org