*** MESSAGE [namelist_util] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] *** MaxNmlArySize = 256 *** MESSAGE [namelist_util] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: namelist_util.f90,v 1.2 2008-11-16 17:50:56 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** NAMELIST group "timeset_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &TIMESET_NML STARTTIMEVALUE=1000.000000000000,STARTTIMEUNIT=day ,ENDTIMEVALUE=2000.000000000000,ENDTIMEUNIT=day ,DELTIMEVALUE=20.00000000000000,DELTIMEUNIT=min ,PREDICTINTVALUE=100.0000000000000,PREDICTINTUNIT=day ,CPUTIMEMONITER=T,DATE=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,CALENDAR= / *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** StartTime = 1000. [day] *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** EndTime = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** DelTime = 20. [min] *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** = 1200. [sec] *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** PredictInt = 100. [day] *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** CpuTimeMoniter = T *** MESSAGE [timeset] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: timeset.f90,v 1.7 2008-10-07 09:20:05 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [fileset] *** NAMELIST group "fileset_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &FILESET_NML FILETITLE=dcpam5 APE-H1998con run ,FILESOURCE=dcpam5-20090108-1 (http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/dcpam) ,FILEINSTITUTION=GFD Dennou Club (http://www.gfd-dennou.org) / *** MESSAGE [fileset] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [fileset] *** FileTitle = dcpam5 APE-H1998con run *** MESSAGE [fileset] *** FileSource = dcpam5-20090108-1 (http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/dcpam) *** MESSAGE [fileset] *** FileInstitution = GFD Dennou Club (http://www.gfd-dennou.org) *** MESSAGE [fileset] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: fileset.f90,v 1.2 2008-08-06 10:56:43 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [gridset] *** NAMELIST group "gridset_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &GRIDSET_NML NMAX=42,IMAX=128,JMAX=64,KMAX=16 / *** MESSAGE [gridset] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [gridset] *** nmax = 42 *** MESSAGE [gridset] *** imax = 128 *** MESSAGE [gridset] *** jmax = 64 *** MESSAGE [gridset] *** kmax = 16 *** MESSAGE [gridset] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: gridset.f90,v 1.3 2008-10-09 10:15:39 morikawa Exp $ *** WARNING [constants] *** NAMELIST group "constants_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [constants] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [constants] *** PI = 3.14159265358979312 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** GasRUniv = 8.31400000000000006 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** StB = 0.566999999999999982D-07 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** FKarm = 0.400000000000000022 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** RPlanet = 6371000. *** MESSAGE [constants] *** Omega = 0.729210659088065178D-04 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** Grav = 9.80000000000000071 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** CpDry = 1004.60000000000002 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** MolWtDry = 0.289640000000000002D-01 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** GasRDry = 287.045988123187385 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** CpWet = 1810. *** MESSAGE [constants] *** MolWtWet = 0.180152800000000016D-01 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** GasRWet = 461.497129103738587 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** LatentHeat = 2500000. *** MESSAGE [constants] *** EpsV = 0.621988675597293206 *** MESSAGE [constants] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: constants.f90,v 1.2 2008-08-06 10:56:43 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** NAMELIST group "axesset_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** Axes: *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** x_Lon(0:127) [deg.] = 0.D+00, 2.81200000000000028, 5.625, 8.43699999999999939, 11.25, 14.0620000000000012, 16.875, 19.6870000000000012, 22.5, 25.3120000000000012, 28.125, 30.9370000000000012, 33.75, 36.5619999999999976, 39.375 *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** y_Lat(1:64) [deg.] = -87.8629999999999995, -85.0960000000000036, -82.3119999999999976, -79.5250000000000057, -76.7360000000000042, -73.9470000000000027, -71.1569999999999965, -68.3670000000000044, -65.5769999999999982, -62.786 *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** z_Sigma(1:16) = 0.993999999999999995, 0.978999999999999981, 0.949000000000000066, 0.899000000000000021, 0.82900000000000007, 0.743999999999999995, 0.649000000000000021, 0.549000000000000044, 0.454000000000000015, 0.36899999999 *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** r_Sigma(0:16) = 1., 0.989999999999999991, 0.969999999999999973, 0.930000000000000049, 0.869999999999999996, 0.790000000000000036, 0.700000000000000067, 0.599999999999999978, 0.5, 0.410000000000000031, 0.330000000000000016, 0.2 *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** w_Number(1:1849) = 1 .. 1849 *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** Weight: *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** x_Lon_Weight(0:127) = 0.490000000000000019D-01, 0.490000000000000019D-01, 0.490000000000000019D-01, 0.490000000000000019D-01, 0.490000000000000019D-01, 0.490000000000000019D-01, 0.490000000000000019D-01, 0.490000000000000019D- *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** y_Lat_Weight(1:64) = 0.100000000000000002D-02, 0.4000000000000000083D-02, 0.6000000000000000124D-02, 0.800000000000000017D-02, 0.109999999999999994D-01, 0.1300000000000000113D-01, 0.1499999999999999944D-01, 0.17000000000000001 *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** z_DelSigma(1:16) = 0.100000000000000002D-01, 0.2000000000000000041D-01, 0.3899999999999999994D-01, 0.599999999999999978D-01, 0.790000000000000008D-01, 0.899999999999999967D-01, 0.990000000000000047D-01, 0.990000000000000047D-0 *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** *** MESSAGE [axesset] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: axesset.F90,v 1.3 2008-10-21 05:48:05 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** NAMELIST group "restart_file_io_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &RESTART_FILE_IO_NML INPUTFILE=restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc ,OUTPUTFILE=restart.nc ,INTVALUE=100.0000,INTUNIT=day / *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** Input:: *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** InputFile = restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** Output:: *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** OutputFile = restart.nc *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** IntTime = 100. [day] *** MESSAGE [restart_file_io] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: restart_file_io.F90,v 1.6 2009-01-13 07:46:29 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetReal0] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@deltime *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@UB,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@VB,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@TempB,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@QVapB,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble2] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@PsB,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@UN,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@VN,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@TempN,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@QVapN,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble2] *** Input restart_T42L16_0-2000day.nc@PsN,time=1000. *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "restart.nc" is created (origin=1100. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** ----- "gtool_historyauto_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" ----- *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Global Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** AllOutput = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** FilePrefix = *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = U, V, Temp, Ps, QVap *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = SurfTemp *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = Rain *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = SigmaDot, DPiDt *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = Vor, Div *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = EVap, Sens, OLR, SLR, OSR, SSR *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = Mass, KinEngy, IntEngy, PotEngy, LatEngy, TotEngy, Enstro *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = double *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ T, T, T, T, T /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = UDiffFlux, VDiffFlux, TempDiffFlux, QVapDiffFlux *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = RadLFlux, RadSFlux, DTempDtRadL, DTempDtRadS *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = RainCumulus *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = DTempDtCumulus, DQVapDtCumulus *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = RainLsc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = DTempDtLsc, DQVapDtLsc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = UFluxSurf, VFluxSurf, TempFluxSurf, QVapFluxSurf *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = DTempDtDryConv *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 0.25 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = T *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Individual Settings: *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Name = DelTempQVapAfSolve *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** File = .nc *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Interval = 100. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Precision = float *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TimeAverage = F *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Origin = 86400000. [sec] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Terminus = 2000. [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStart = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceEnd = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SliceStride = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SpaceAverage = (/ F, F, F, F, F /) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** NewFileInterval = -30 [day] *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** ----- loading is finished (iostat=-1) ----- *** MESSAGE [history_file_io] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [history_file_io] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: history_file_io.F90,v 1.3 2009-01-06 10:42:20 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "U.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "V.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Temp.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "QVap.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Ps.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** NAMELIST group "restart_surftemp_io_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &RESTART_SURFTEMP_IO_NML INPUTFILE= ,INPUTNAME=SurfTemp ,OUTPUTFILE=restart_sst.nc ,INTVALUE=100.0000,INTUNIT=day / *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** Input:: *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** InputFile = *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** InputName = SurfTemp *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** Output:: *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** OutputFile = restart_sst.nc *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** IntTime = 100. [day] *** MESSAGE [restart_surftemp_io] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: restart_surftemp_io.F90,v 1.2 2008-11-08 06:41:24 morikawa Exp $ *** WARNING [surface_data] *** NAMELIST group "surface_data_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** WARNING [surface_data] *** NAMELIST group "surface_data_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** Pattern = Hosaka et al. (1998) *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** SurfTemp = 302. *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** Albedo = 0.149999999999999994 *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** HumidCoeff = 1. *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** RoughLength = 0.100000000000000005D-03 *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** HeatCapacity = 0.D+00 *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** TempFlux = 0.D+00 *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** SurfCond = 0 *** MESSAGE [surface_data] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: surface_data.f90,v 1.2 2008-11-07 13:39:11 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "restart_sst.nc" is created (origin=1100. [day]) *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** NAMELIST group "ground_file_io_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &GROUND_FILE_IO_NML SURFTEMPFILE=sst_T42.nc ,SURFTEMPNAME=SurfTemp ,ALBEDOFILE= ,ALBEDONAME= ,HUMIDCOEFFFILE= ,HUMIDCOEFFNAME= ,ROUGHLENGTHFILE= ,ROUGHLENGTHNAME= ,HEATCAPACITYFILE= ,HEATCAPACITYNAME= ,TEMPFLUXFILE= ,TEMPFLUXNAME= ,SURFCONDFILE= ,SURFCONDNAME= / *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** Input:: *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** SurfTempFile = sst_T42.nc *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** SurfTempName = SurfTemp *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** AlbedoFile = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** AlbedoName = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** HumidCoeffFile = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** HumidCoeffName = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** RoughLengthFile = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** RoughLengthName = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** HeatCapacityFile = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** HeatCapacityName = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** TempFluxFile = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** TempFluxName = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** SurfCondFile = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** SurfCondName = *** MESSAGE [ground_file_io] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: ground_file_io.f90,v 1.6 2008-11-07 16:18:17 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble2] *** Input sst_T42.nc@SurfTemp,time=0. *** MESSAGE [intpol_half] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [intpol_half] *** z_TempInpolM = 0.E+00, 0.66875428, 0.670935154, 0.60801661, 0.583678603, 0.546060026, 0.547351539, 0.525876284, 0.503039122, 0.502600133, 0.501728296, 0.500048637, 0.49679473, 0.552270949, 0.579827428, 0.69180572 *** MESSAGE [intpol_half] *** z_TempInpol = 0.E+00, 0.33124575, 0.329064846, 0.39198336, 0.416321367, 0.453939974, 0.452648431, 0.474123687, 0.496960878, 0.497399867, 0.498271734, 0.499951363, 0.503205299, 0.447729081, 0.420172602, 0.30819428 *** MESSAGE [intpol_half] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: intpol_half.f90,v 1.3 2009-01-06 10:38:44 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [phy_implicit] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [phy_implicit] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: phy_implicit.f90,v 1.8 2009-01-07 16:06:12 morikawa Exp $ *** WARNING [radiation_band] *** NAMELIST group "radiation_band_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** DelTime: *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** DelTimeLong = 3. [hrs.] *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** DelTimeShort = 1. [hrs.] *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** LongFlux: *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** LongBandNum = 4 *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** LongAbsorpCoeffQVap = (/ 8., 1., 0.100000001, 0.E+00 /) *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** LongAbsorpCoeffDryAir = (/ 0.E+00, 0.E+00, 0.E+00, 0.4999999873E-04 /) *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** LongBandWeight = (/ 0.200000003, 0.100000001, 0.100000001, 0.600000024 /) *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** LongPathLengthFact = 1.5 *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** ShortFlux: *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** ShortBandNum = 1 *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** ShortAbsorpCoeffQVap = (/ 0.2000000094E-02 /) *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** ShortAbsorpCoeffDryAir = (/ 0.E+00 /) *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** ShortBandWeight = (/ 1. /) *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** ShortSecScat = 1.65999999999999992 *** MESSAGE [radiation_band] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: radiation_band.f90,v 1.14 2008-11-18 03:53:19 morikawa Exp $ *** WARNING [radiation_short_income] *** NAMELIST group "radiation_short_income_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** ShortIncomming: *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** SolarConst = 1380. *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** AtmosAlbedo = 0.200000000000000011 *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** IncomAIns = 0.127000000000000002 *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** IncomBIns = 0.182999999999999996 *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** IncomAZet = 0.409999999999999976 *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** IncomBZet = 0.589999999999999969 *** MESSAGE [radiation_short_income] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: radiation_short_income.f90,v 1.2 2008-11-16 14:32:22 morikawa Exp $ *** WARNING [vdiffusion_my1974] *** NAMELIST group "vdiffusion_my1974_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** For vertical diffusion flux: *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** RefPress = 1000000. *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** BasePotTemp = 300. *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** SquareVelMin = 0.100000000000000006 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** BulkRiNumMin = -100. *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** For diffusion coefficients: *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** MixLengthMax = 300. *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** TildeShMin = 0.D+00 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** TildeSmMin = 0.D+00 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** VelDiffCoeffMin = 0.100000000000000006 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** TempDiffCoeffMin = 0.100000000000000006 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** QvapDiffCoeffMin = 0.100000000000000006 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** VelDiffCoeffMax = 10000. *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** TempDiffCoeffMax = 10000. *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** QvapDiffCoeffMax = 10000. *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** MYLv2ParamA1 = 0.92000000000000004 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** MYLv2ParamB1 = 16.6000000000000014 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** MYLv2ParamA2 = 0.739999999999999991 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** MYLv2ParamB2 = 10.0999999999999996 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** MYLv2ParamC1 = 0.800000000000000017D-01 *** MESSAGE [vdiffusion_my1974] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: vdiffusion_my1974.f90,v 1.7 2009-01-06 10:38:44 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "UDiffFlux.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "VDiffFlux.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "TempDiffFlux.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "QVapDiffFlux.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** WARNING [surface_flux_bulk] *** NAMELIST group "surface_flux_bulk_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelMinForRi = 0.100000000000000002D-01 *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelMinForVel = 0.100000000000000002D-01 *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelMinForTemp = 0.100000000000000002D-01 *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelMinForQVap = 0.100000000000000002D-01 *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelMaxForVel = 1000. *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelMaxForTemp = 1000. *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelMaxForQVap = 1000. *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** Bulk coefficients: *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** Neutral = F *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** ConstBulkCoeff = -1. *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelBulkCoeffMin = 0.D+00 *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** TempBulkCoeffMin = 0.D+00 *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** QVapBulkCoeffMin = 0.D+00 *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** VelBulkCoeffMax = 1. *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** TempBulkCoeffMax = 1. *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** QVapBulkCoeffMax = 1. *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** Saturation: *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** Scheme of saturation = Tetens (1930) *** MESSAGE [surface_flux_bulk] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: surface_flux_bulk.F90,v 1.3 2009-01-06 10:38:44 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "UFluxSurf.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "VFluxSurf.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "TempFluxSurf.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "QVapFluxSurf.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DelTempQVapAfSolve.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "RadLFlux.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "RadSFlux.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DTempDtRadL.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DTempDtRadS.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [intg_surftemp] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [intg_surftemp] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: intg_surftemp.f90,v 1.2 2008-11-09 05:27:27 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** NAMELIST group "dynamics_hspl_vas83_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &DYNAMICS_HSPL_VAS83_NML TIMEINTEGSCHEME=Semi-implicit ,VISORDER=8,EFOLDTIMEVALUE=3.000000000000000,EFOLDTIMEUNIT=hrs ,GEOPOTENTIALFILE= ,GEOPOTENTIALVARNAME= / *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** TimeIntegScheme = Semi-implicit *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** EFoldTime = 3. [hrs] *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** VisOrder = 8 *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** VisCoef = 23624689064054257600000000000000000000. *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** GeoPotentialFile = *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** GeoPotentialVarname = *** MESSAGE [dynamics_hspl_vas83] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: dynamics_hspl_vas83.F90,v 1.2 2009-01-06 10:14:35 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "SigmaDot.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DPiDt.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Vor.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Div.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Mass.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "KinEngy.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "IntEngy.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "PotEngy.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "LatEngy.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "TotEngy.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Enstro.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [negative_moist] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [negative_moist] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: negative_moist.f90,v 1.4 2008-11-08 15:34:40 morikawa Exp $ *** WARNING [cumulus_adjust] *** NAMELIST group "cumulus_adjust_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [cumulus_adjust] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [cumulus_adjust] *** CrtlRH = 0.989999999999999991 *** MESSAGE [cumulus_adjust] *** ItrtMax = 10 *** MESSAGE [cumulus_adjust] *** TempSatMax = (/ 0.999999978E-02, 0.199999996E-01, 0.199999996E-01, 0.5000000074E-01, 0.5000000074E-01, 0.100000001, 0.100000001, 0.200000003, 0.200000003, 0.400000006 /) *** MESSAGE [cumulus_adjust] *** *** MESSAGE [cumulus_adjust] *** Scheme of saturation = Tetens (1930) *** MESSAGE [cumulus_adjust] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: cumulus_adjust.F90,v 1.2 2008-11-23 14:25:13 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "RainCumulus.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DTempDtCumulus.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DQVapDtCumulus.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** WARNING [lscond] *** NAMELIST group "lscond_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [lscond] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [lscond] *** CrtlRH = 1. *** MESSAGE [lscond] *** ItrtMax = 3 *** MESSAGE [lscond] *** *** MESSAGE [lscond] *** Scheme of saturation = Tetens (1930) *** MESSAGE [lscond] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: lscond.F90,v 1.2 2008-11-23 15:08:27 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "RainLsc.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DTempDtLsc.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DQVapDtLsc.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** WARNING [dryconv_adjust] *** NAMELIST group "dryconv_adjust_nml" is not found in "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [dryconv_adjust] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [dryconv_adjust] *** ItrtMax = 10 *** MESSAGE [dryconv_adjust] *** TempSatMax = (/ 0.999999978E-02, 0.199999996E-01, 0.199999996E-01, 0.5000000074E-01, 0.5000000074E-01, 0.100000001, 0.100000001, 0.200000003, 0.200000003, 0.400000006 /) *** MESSAGE [dryconv_adjust] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: dryconv_adjust.f90,v 1.4 2008-10-06 16:30:13 morikawa Exp $ *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "DTempDtDryConv.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "SurfTemp.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Rain.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "EVap.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "Sens.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "OLR.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "SLR.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "OSR.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate3] *** "SSR.nc" is created (origin=1000. [day]) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** ------------------------------------------- *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** ----- Registered variables for output ----- *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** ------------------------------------------- *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** U (eastward wind [m s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** V (northward wind [m s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Temp (temperature [K] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** QVap (specific humidity [kg kg-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Ps (surface pressure [Pa] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SurfTemp (surface temperature [K] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Rain (precipitation [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** EVap (latent heat flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Sens (sensible heat flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** OLR (outgoing longwave [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SLR (surface longwave [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** OSR (outgoing shortwave [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SSR (surface shortwave [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempDtCond (condensation heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DQVapDtCond (condensation moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DUDtVDiff (diffusive force(x) [m s-2] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DVDtVDiff (diffusive force(y) [m s-2] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempDtVDiff (diffusive heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DQVapDtVDiff (diffusive moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DUFluxDtPhyImplFluxCor (eastward wind flux tendency [N m-2 s-1] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DVFluxDtPhyImplFluxCor (northward wind flux tendency [N m-2 s-1] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempFluxDtPhyImplFluxCor (temperature flux tendency [W m-2 s-1] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DQVapFluxDtPhyImplFluxCor (specific humidity flux tendency [W m-2 s-1] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DelTempQVapAfSolve (tendency of Temp cross QVap on surface after LU Solve [K s-1] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** RadLFlux (longwave flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** RadSFlux (shortwave flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempDtRadL (longwave heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempDtRadS (shortwave heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** UDiffFlux (eastward wind flux by vertical diffusion [N m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** VDiffFlux (northward wind flux by vertical diffusion [N m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TempDiffFlux (temperature flux by vertical diffusion [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** QVapDiffFlux (specific humidity flux by vertical diffusion [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** UFluxSurf (eastward wind flux by surface process [N m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** VFluxSurf (northward wind flux by surface process [N m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TempFluxSurf (temperature flux by surface process [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** QVapFluxSurf (specific humidity flux by surface process [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** SigmaDot (sigma-vertical velocity [1 s-1] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DPiDt (Pi (log Ps) tendency) [Pa s-1] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Vor (vorticity [s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Div (divergence [s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Mass (mass averaged in lon,lat-direction [kg] {time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** KinEngy (kinetic energy averaged in lon,lat,sig-direction [J] {time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** IntEngy (internal energy averaged in lon,lat,sig-direction [J] {time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** PotEngy (potential energy averaged in lon,lat,sig-direction [J] {time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** LatEngy (latent energy averaged in lon,lat,sig-direction [J] {time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** TotEngy (total energy averaged in lon,lat,sig-direction [J] {time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** Enstro (enstrophy averaged in lon,lat,sig-direction [kg] {time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** RainCumulus (precipitation by cumulus scheme [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempDtCumulus (cumulus condensation heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DQVapDtCumulus (cumulus condensation moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** RainLsc (precipitation by large scale condensation [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempDtLsc (large-scale condensation heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DQVapDtLsc (large-scale condensation moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** DTempDtDryConv (temperature tendency by dry convective adjustment [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE [HistAuto] *** ----- *** MESSAGE [timefilter_asselin1972] *** NAMELIST group "timefilter_asselin1972_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_ape_T42L16_rst1000.nml". &TIMEFILTER_ASSELIN1972_NML FILTERPARAMETER=5.000000000000000D-02,INTSTEP=1 / *** MESSAGE [timefilter_asselin1972] *** ----- Initialization Messages ----- *** MESSAGE [timefilter_asselin1972] *** FilterParameter = 0.500000000000000028D-01 *** MESSAGE [timefilter_asselin1972] *** IntStep = 1 *** MESSAGE [timefilter_asselin1972] *** -- version = $Name: dcpam5-20090108-1 $$Id: timefilter_asselin1972.f90,v 1.3 2008-10-06 16:30:12 morikawa Exp $ ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-14T21:22:58-09:00 Progress 9.90% [** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.199930E+05 (5.55 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T02:56:11-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-14T22:37:46-09:00 Progress 19.90% [**** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.177490E+05 (4.93 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T03:33:35-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-14T23:51:28-09:00 Progress 29.90% [******* ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.155130E+05 (4.31 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T04:10:01-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-15T01:16:10-09:00 Progress 39.90% [********* ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.132880E+05 (3.69 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T04:57:38-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-15T02:29:34-09:00 Progress 49.90% [************ ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.110580E+05 (3.07 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T05:33:52-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-15T03:44:33-09:00 Progress 59.90% [************** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.884300E+04 (2.46 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T06:11:56-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-15T04:58:27-09:00 Progress 69.90% [***************** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.663300E+04 (1.84 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T06:49:00-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-15T06:08:03-09:00 Progress 79.90% [******************* ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.442700E+04 (1.23 hrs.) Completion Date 2009-01-15T07:21:50-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-15T07:22:36-09:00 Progress 89.90% [********************** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.222400E+04 (37.07 minutes) Completion Date 2009-01-15T07:59:40-09:00 ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2009-01-14T20:15:14-09:00 Current Date 2009-01-15T08:32:06-09:00 Progress 99.90% [************************ ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.220000E+02 Completion Date 2009-01-15T08:32:28-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "U.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "V.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Temp.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "QVap.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Ps.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "restart.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "restart_sst.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "SurfTemp.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Rain.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "SigmaDot.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DPiDt.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Vor.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Div.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "EVap.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Sens.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "OLR.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "SLR.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "OSR.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "SSR.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Mass.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "KinEngy.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "IntEngy.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "PotEngy.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "LatEngy.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "TotEngy.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Enstro.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "UDiffFlux.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "VDiffFlux.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "TempDiffFlux.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "QVapDiffFlux.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "RadLFlux.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "RadSFlux.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DTempDtRadL.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DTempDtRadS.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "RainCumulus.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DTempDtCumulus.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DQVapDtCumulus.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "RainLsc.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DTempDtLsc.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DQVapDtLsc.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "UFluxSurf.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "VFluxSurf.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "TempFluxSurf.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "QVapFluxSurf.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DTempDtDryConv.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "DelTempQVapAfSolve.nc" is closed ############## CPU TIME SUMMARY ################ intpol_half 0.406341E+02 phy_implicit 0.272783E+03 (4.55 minutes) radiation_band 0.111397E+04 (18.57 minutes) vdiffusion_my1974 0.206774E+04 (34.46 minutes) surface_flux_bulk 0.416818E+04 (1.16 hrs.) intg_surftemp 0.169785E+02 dynamics_hspl_vas83 0.479318E+04 (1.33 hrs.) negative_moist 0.255296E+03 (4.25 minutes) cumulus_adjust 0.147631E+04 (24.61 minutes) lscond 0.307381E+04 (51.23 minutes) dryconv_adjust 0.210868E+04 (35.14 minutes) timefilter_asselin19 0.245927E+02 others 0.260056E+04 (43.34 minutes) ------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TIME = 0.220127E+05 (6.11 hrs.)