Draw Skew-T log-p diagram by using RubyDCL
require "numru/met" include NumRu include NumRu::Met DCL.gropn(1) DCL.grfrm DCL.grsvpt(0.25,0.75,0.2,0.8) SkewT.frame([-10.0,40.0],[1000.0,250.0]) prs = [1000,850,700,500,300] temp = [20,10,0,-20,-45] r = [0.012,0.008,0.004,0.0005,0.0001] SkewT.plot_tempC(temp,prs) SkewT.plot_mixing_ratio(r,prs) DCL.grcls
frame(t_range=nil, p_range=nil, title=nil)
Defines viewport, draws axes, and isopleths needed for a skew-T diagram (temperature, mixing ratio, potential temperature, saturation equivalent potential temperature (pseudo-adiabatic))
plot_tempC(tempC, prs, line_type=1, line_index=5)
Plots temperarue on the skew-T diagram. You have to call frame in advance.
plot_mixing_ratio(r, prs, line_type=3, line_index=5)
Plots mixing ratio -- dew(frost) point temperature on the skew-T diagram. You have to call frame in advance.
plot_specific_humidity(q, prs, line_type=3, line_index=5)
Same as plot_mixing_ratio, but takes specific humidity as an argument (internally converted to mixing ratio) Plots mixing ratio -- dew(frost) point temperature on the skew-T diagram. You have to call frame in advance.