KILLXWNMO(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual KILLXWNMO(1) NNAAMMEE killxwnmo - kill the input manager xwnmo(1X). SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS kkiillllxxwwnnmmoo [-9] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The _k_i_l_l_x_w_n_m_o requires termination of the input manager _x_w_n_m_o. If the owner of _k_i_l_l_x_w_n_m_o process is not same as that of _x_w_n_m_o process, that requirement will fail. And if more than zero client(s) is(are) connecting to _x_w_n_m_o, that requirement will fail. But with -9 option, that requirement will success even if more than zero client(s) is(are) con- necting to _x_w_n_m_o. "SEE ALSO" xwnmo(1X) CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright 1992 by OMRON Corporation Copyright 1992 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology AAUUTTHHOORR Seiji Kuwari (OMRON Corporation) Printed 12/1/92 Release 5 1