1.1 Introduction
MATH1 (Mathematical Processing Sub-Package) is a collection of the most basic
subroutines in the DCL (Dennou Chikyuu Library).
MATH1 consists of several sub-packages.
- SYSLIB: Internal Variable Management and Message Output
- OSLIB: System-dependent Routines
- FNCLIB: Basic Functions (Maximum Integer, Remainder, etc.)
- SUBLIB: Basic Subroutines (Creating Natural Alignments, etc.)
- CHRLIB: Left and Right Alignment, Inversion, and Blank Handling of
Character Strings
- XFCLIB: Digitization of Character Strings
- LRLLIB: Comparison of Floating-Point Values
- BLKLIB: Floating-Number Values and Sequential Strings
- GNMLIB: Convenient Truncation Values
- INTLIB: Integers Near Floating-Point Values
- INDXLIB: Searching Array Elements
- IFALIB: Maximum/Minimum of Integers with Missing-Value Handling
- RFALIB: Maximum/Minimum of Real Numbers with Missing-Value Handling
- RFBLIB: Coefficient of Correlation for Covariance Inner
Product of Floating-Point-Type Sequence.
- VIALIB: Operator for a Single Integer-Type Array
- VIBLIB: Operator for Two Integer-Type Arrays
- VRALIB: Operator for a Single Floating-Point-Type Array
- VRBLIB: Operator for Two Floating-Point-Type Arrays
- CTRLIB: Coordinate Conversion and Rotation
- MAPLIB: Conversion of Map Projection
Most of these sub-packages can perform "missing-value handling" and
"comparison of the values of real values taking into consideration the errors of
the values." Of these sub-packages, only OSLIB has machine-dependency on the
source level. (SYSLIB manages system-dependent constants.)
In the following chapters, brief explanations will be provided on the features
of MATH1 (internal variable management, missing-value handling, and comparison including error), and also on the FORTRAN'' architecture upon which these
packages are based.