Initialize. |
DclDeallocSHT (----) |
A workspace is released. |
DclGetSpectrumNumber (SHTNML) |
Get housing location of spectrum data. |
DclOperateLaplacian (SHTLAP) |
Laplacian is computed to spectrum data. |
DclSpectrumToGrid (SHTS2G) |
Transform from spectrum data to grid data. |
DclGridToSpectrum (SHTG2W) |
Transform from grid data to spectrum data. |
D clSpectrumToGridForWave (SHTWGM, SHTSGM, SHTSWM) |
Transform from spectrum data to grid data. (Wave number designation) |
Dc lSpectrumToGridForZonal (SHTWGZ, SHTSGZ, SHTSWZ) |
Transform from spectrum data to grid data. (A band state component) |
DclSp ectrumToGridForLatitude (SHTSGJ, SHTSWJ, SHTGJ) |
Transform from spectrum data to grid data. (Latitude circle designation) |
DclGetLegendreFunctions (SHTFUN) |
The calculation of associated Legendre function. |
DclLegendreTransform_F (SHTLFW) |
Legendre positive conversion. |
DclLegendreTransform_B (SHTLBW) |
Legendre Backward transformation. |
*The corresponding f77 interface name in parentheses.