gtool5 fortran library

Table of Contents

The gtool5 fortran library is being developed for use in a variety of numerical models for research and education in geophysical and planetary fluid science. This library is being developed and maintained as part of GFD Dennou Club Gtool project.

The gtool5 provides various functions for numerical models written in fortran (≥2003), such as data input/output, date/time manipulation, message output, and CPU time measurement. In particular, for data input/output, gtool5 adopts data input/output based on the gtool4 NetCDF convention in order to facilitate multiple users to understand, recognize, and share the computational results obtained from the numerical model.

The gtool5 library has been used in GFD Dennouc Club dcmodel project to facilitate data sharing and to improve the readability of the source code. For the detail, please refer to the GMD paper.


Please be aware that the fact that these programs are released as Free Software does not excuse you from scientific propriety, which obligates you to give appropriate credit. If you write a scientific paper describing research that made substantive use of these programs, it is your obligation as a scientist to (a) mention the fashion in which this software was used with a citation to the literature or (b) mention this software in the Acknowledgements section.


Morikawa,Y., Takahashi,O.Y., Sasaki,Y., Nishizawa,S., Otobe,N., Ishiwatari,M., Odaka,M., Takehiro,S., Horinouchi,T., Hayashi,Y.-Y., Toyoda,E., Gtool Devlopment Group, 2010: Gtool5 library,, GFD Dennou Club.

When you have to refer only an article of a refereed journal, please cite our ariticle of [GMD paper][GMD_paper] as follows:

Ishiwatari, M., Toyoda, E., Morikawa, Y., Takehiro, S., Sasaki, Y., Nishizawa, S., Odaka, M., Otobe, N., Takahashi, Y. O., Nakajima, K., Horinouchi, T., Shiotani, M., Hayashi, Y.-Y., Gtool development group, 2012: gtool5 - development of Fortran90 library for self-descriptive multi-dimensional data input/output interfaces, Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 449-455., 2012, doi:10.5194/gmd-5-449-2012.

The gtool5 library is the successor to gtool4 and gt4f90io.