3.6.3 uxaxlb/uyaxlb

Draws a coordinate axis with positions specified for tick marks and labels. Also specifies the label to draw.
Explanation of Parameters
cside (C*1) Specifies the position of a coordinate axis. (See Section 3.2.)
ux1, uy1 (R) An array of length n1 containing the positions to draw the minor tick marks (specified in values in UC). 
n1 (I) The length of array ux1, uy1.
ux2, uy2 (R) An array of length n2 containing the positions to draw the major tick marks and labels (specified in values in UC).
ch (C*(NC)) A character-type array of length n2 with character length nc containing the label to draw.
nc (I) The character length of array ch.
n2 (I) The length of array ux2, uy2, ch.
UXAXLB/UYAXLB draws axes using UXPAXS/UYPAXS (ISLCT=2), minor tick marks using uxptmk/uyptmk (islct=1), major tick marks using uxptmk/uyptmk (islct=2), and labels using uxplbl/uyplbl (islct=1).
When the value specified for N1 is less than 0, UXPTMK/UYPTMK (islct=1) is not called. In this case, give dummy variables to ux1, uy1.
When the value specified for N2 is less than 0,UXPTMK/UYPTMK (islct=2), uxplbl/uyplbl (islct=1) are not called. In this case, give dummy variables to ux2, uy2, ch, nc.