◆ 査読付き論文
- Yoshihiro Kakinami, Masashi Kamogawa, Shigeto Watanabe,
Masatsugu Odaka, Toru Mogi, Jann-Yenq Liu, Yang-Yi Sun, Takuji
Yamada, 2013: Ionospheric ripples excited by superimposed wave
fronts associated with Rayleigh waves in the thermosphere, Journal
of Geophysical Research, 118, 905--911, doi:10.1002/jgra.50099.
Sugiyama, K., Nakajima, K., Odaka, M., Kuramoto, K., and
Y.-Y. Hayashi, 2013: Numerical Simulations of Jupiter’s Moist Convection
Layer: Structure and Dynamics in Statistically Steady States. Icarus,
- 杉山耕一朗, 中島健介, 小高正嗣, 石渡正樹, 倉本圭, 高橋芳幸, 林祥
介, 2012: 木星の大気構造と雲対流, 遊星人, 21,
39--44. [https://www.wakusei.jp/book/pp/2012/2012-1/2012-1-039.pdf]
- Sugiyama, K., K. Nakajima, M. Odaka, M. Ishiwatari, K. Kuramoto, Y., Morikawa, S. Nishizawa, Y. O. Takahashi, and Y.-Y. Hayashi (2011), Intermittent cumulonimbus activity breaking the three-layer cloud structure of Jupiter, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L13201, doi:10.1029/2011GL047878.
- Ko-ichiro Sugiyama, Masatsugu Odaka, Ken-suke Nakajima,
Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi, 2009: Development of a Numerical Model to
investigate the Moist Convection in Jupiter's Atmosphere,
Nagare, 28,
Nagare Multimedia 2009,
- 杉山耕一朗,小高正嗣,佐野康男,大石憲且,馬場聡,高井昌彰,大石尊久,林祥介,倉本圭,渡部重十, 2008:
遊星人(日本惑星科学会誌), 17, 123-129. [PDF]
- 小高正嗣, 2007:
エアロゾル研究(日本エアロゾル学会学会誌), 22, No.2, 87-94.
- 杉山耕一朗, 小高正嗣, 中島健介, 林祥介, 2007:
木星大気の雲対流 (Moist Convection in Jupiter's Atmosphere),
エアロゾル研究(日本エアロゾル学会学会誌), 22, No.2, 101-106.
- Takehiro, S., Odaka, M., Ishioka, K., Ishiwatari, M., Hayashi, Y.-Y.,
SPMODEL Development Group,
SPMODEL: A series of Hierarchical Spectral Models for
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics",
Nagare, 25,
Nagare Multimedia 2006,
- Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Kuramoto, K., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2006: Static stability of the Jovian atmospheres estimated from moist adiabatic profiles, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, No. 3, L03201, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024554
- 高橋芳幸, 小高正嗣, 林祥介, 2004:
大気大循環モデルによる火星気候の再現実験 - 現状とダストの扱いにおける課題-,
遊星人(日本惑星科学会誌), 13, 145-155.
- 中神雄一,大島修,杉山耕一朗,川端善仁,佐藤光一郎,小林和真,
笹川浩達,小高正嗣,倉本圭,Mosirプロジェクト, 2003:
遊星人(日本惑星科学会誌), 12, 80-88.
- Y.O. Takahashi, H. Fujiwara, H. Fukunishi, M. Odaka,
Y.-Y. Hayashi, S. Watanabe, 2003:
Topographically induced north-south asymmetry of the meridional
circulation in the Martian atmosphere,
J. Geopys. Res.,
108(E7), 5018 5-1 -- 5-16, doi:10.1029/2001JE001638.
- Yokohata, T., M. Odaka, and K. Kuramoto, 2002:
Role of H2O and CO2 ices in Martian
climate change, Icarus, 159, 439-448.
- 小高正嗣, 中島健介, 石渡正樹, 林祥介, 2001:
2 次元非弾性系を用いた火星大気放射対流の数値計算,
ながれ, 20,
ながれマルチメディア 2001,
- 小高 正嗣, 2001: 火星大気の鉛直対流, 遊星人(日本惑星科学会誌),
10, 48-55.
- Odaka M., 2001: A numerical simulation of Martian atmospheric
convection with a two-dimensional anelastic model: A case
of dust-free Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 28,
- Odaka, M., Nakajima, K., Takehiro, S., Ishiwatari, M., and
Hayashi,Y.-Y., 1998:
A numerical study of the Martian atmospheric convection
with a two dimensional anelastic model.
Earth, Planet and Space, 50, 431-437.
◆ 査読なし論文
- Takehiro, S., Takahashi, Y. O., Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Ishiwatari, M., Sasaki, Y., Nishizawa, S., Ishioka, K., Nakajima, K., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2012: Construction of Hierarchical Models for the Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences : DCMODEL project. Proceeding of Inernational Conference on Simulation and Technology (JSST 2012), 301--306.
- T. Yamashita, M. Odaka, K. Sugiyama, K. Nakajima, M. Ishiwatari, Y. O. Takahashi, S. Nishizawa and Y.-Y. Hayashi, 2011: Two-dimensional model simulation of Martian atmospheric convection with condensation of the major component under xed thermal forcing, Proceedings of the 44th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 6 pp. (CD-ROM)
- 林祥介, 中島健介, 石渡正樹, 小高正嗣, 山下達也, 高橋芳幸, 納多哲史, 森川靖大 2010: 湿潤惑星大気用数値モデル群の開発および基礎的実験. 国立環境研究所スーパーコンピュータ利用研究年報 平成21年度, 99--108.
- Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Nakajima, K., Morikawa, Y., Ishiwatari, M., Kuramoto, K., Hayahi, Y.-Y., 2010 : Numerical Modeling of Moist Convection in Jupiter's Atmosphere: the sensitivities to cloudphysical parameters and the abundance of condensable species. Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract P34A-04.
- Yamashita, T., Odaka, M., Sugiyama, K., Nakajima, K., Ishiwatari, M., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2010 : Two-dimensional numerical experiments of Martian atmospheric convection with condensation of the major component, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract P34A-03.
- Yamashita,T., Odaka, M., Sugiyama,K., Nakajima,K., Ihiwatari,M., Hayashi,Y.-Y., 2010: Proceedings of the 43th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium (CD-ROM).
- 山下達也, 小高正嗣, 杉山耕一朗, 中島健介, 石渡正樹, 林祥介, 2009: 主成分の凝結を伴う大気対流の二次元数値実験 ながれ 28 別冊, P.44
- Yamashita, T., Odaka, M., Sugiyama, K., Nakajima, K., Ihiwatari, M.,
Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2009:
A two dimensional numerical experiment of atmospheric
convection with condensation of the major component.
Proceedings of the 42th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, P12-P16.
- 山下達也, 小高正嗣, 杉山耕一朗, 中島健介, 石渡正樹, 林祥介, 2009:
第23回大気圏シンポジウム 講演集,
- 石渡正樹, 中島健介, 森川靖大, 高橋芳幸, 小高正嗣, 倉本圭, 林祥介, 2009:
- 小高正嗣, 山下達也, 杉山耕一朗, 中島健介, 林 祥介 2008:
3 次元火星大気非静力学モデルの開発と鉛直対流の数値計算,
ながれ 27 別冊, 378.
- 小高正嗣, 杉山耕一朗, 中島健介, 林祥介, 2008:
3 次元非静力学モデルによる火星大気対流の数値計算,
第 22 回大気圏シンポジウム講演集,
- Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Nakajima, K., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2007:
Numerical Modeling of Moist Convection in Jupiter's Atmosphere,
Proceedings of the 40th ISAS Lunar and Planetary symposium, 139-142
- Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Nakajima, K., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2007:
Numerical Modeling of Moist Convection in Jupiter's
Atmosphere and Future Jupiter Probe Mission,
Proceedings of the 5th International Planetary Probe Workshop, in press.
- Hayashi, Y.-Y., Ishiwatari, M., Yamada, Y., Morikawa, Y.,
Takahashi, Y.O., Nakajima, K., Odaka, M., Takehiro, S., 2007:
Equatorial precipitation patterns in aqua-planet experiments:
effects of vertical turbulent mixing processes.
CGER's supercomputer activity report, vol.14-2005, 69--76.
- 森川靖大, 石渡正樹, 堀之内武, 小高正嗣, 林祥介, 2007:
RDoc を用いた数値モデルのドキュメント生成.
天気, 54, 185--190.
- 杉山耕一朗, 小高正嗣, 中島健介, 林祥介, 2007:
「H2O, NH3 の凝結と NH4SH の生成反応を考慮した木星大気の雲対流の直接数値計算」,
宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究本部,
第 21 回大気圏シンポジウム講演集, 5--8.
- Hayashi, Y.-Y., Ishiwatari, M., Yamada, Y., Morikawa, Y.,
Takahashi, Y.O., Nakajima, K., Odaka, M., Takehiro, S., 2006:
Analyses of space-time structures of the equatorial
precipiation activities in an aqua-planet experiment and an
attempt to improve readability of a primitive model.
CGER's supercomputer activity report, vol.13-2004, 81-92.
- Nakajima, K., Odaka, M., Sugiyama, K., Kitamori, T., 2006:
Numerical experiment on the interaction between large-scale
atmospheric motion and cumulus convection: preferred scale of
the planetary-scale concentration of cloud activity and new
model development.
CGER's supercomputer activity report, vol.13-2004, 69-76.
- Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Nakajima, K., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2006:
Numerical Modeling of Moist Convection in Jupiter's
Atmosphere with H$_2$O, NH$_3$, and NH$_4$SH Clouds,
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 38, 497
- 小高正嗣, 北守太一, 杉山耕一朗, 中島健介, 林祥介, 2006:
宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究本部,
第 20 回大気圏シンポジウム講演集, 103--106.
- Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Kuramoto, K., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2005:
Static stability of the cloud layers of the Jovian atmospheres
estimated from the moist adiabatic profiles,
Proc. of the 38th ISAS
Lunar and Planetary Symposium, The Institute of Space and
Astronautical Science., 135-138.
- Odaka, M., Kitamori, T., Sugiyama, K., Nakajima, K., Takahashi, Y. O.,
Ishiwatari, M., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2005:
A formulation of non-hydrostatic model for moist convection in the Martian
Proc. of the 38th ISAS Lunar and Planetary
Symposium, The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science., 173-175.
- Takahashi, Y. O., Y.-Y. Hayashi, M. Odaka, and W. Ohfuchi, 2005:
Toward high resolution simulation of the general circulation of the
Martian atmosphere,
Proceedings of the 38th ISAS Luar and Planetary Symposium, 169-172.
- Sugiyama, K., Odaka, M., Kuramoto, K., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 2005:
Static stability of the cloud layers of the Jovian
atmospheres estimated from moist adiabatic profile,
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37, 682
- 小高正嗣, 2005: 火星大気の氷雲, 雪氷(日本雪氷学会誌), 67, 155-162.
- 小高正嗣, 高橋芳幸, 2005: 火星のダストストーム, 天文月報(日本天文学会誌), 98, 37-47.
- Yoshi-Yuki HAYASHI, Masaki ISHIWATARI, Masatsugu ODAKA, Yukiko
YAMADA, Kensuke NAKAJIMA, Shin-ichi TAKEHIRO, 2004. Development of
atmospheric general circulation model for terrestrial planets and
related fundamental experiments on the atmospheric structure. CGER's
supercomputer activity report, vol.11-2002, 57--65.