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A Numerical experiment of ascending hot plume

A method to perform an test experiment of an ascending hot plume is described.

Following physical processes are used in this experiment.

  1. Overview
  2. Details
  3. References


If you perform a calculation under default configuration, you have only to see this section "Overview". If not so, see the section "Details".

If you finished compling the source for moist convection with major component condensation, you can execute the experiment. Note that command "make mmc" when compiling. In order to execute the experiment, command as follows. It will take ten minutes or so.

$ ./bin/arare -N=arare-mmc.conf

After finishing the calculation, next step is visualization. For example, if you use gpview, enter a command as follows.

$ gpview --wsn 4 --range -4.0:4.0 MarsCond_PotTemp.nc@PotTempDist,t=1000

If you want to know How to use gpview, for example, See this page.

After drawing, you can get figures as follows.


If you perform a calculation under non-default configuration, the experiment is performed with the following 4 steps:

Choosing and copying the programs

For a Numerical experiment of ascending hot plume, you have to copy following programs in src-mmc directory.

$ cp main/arare_091012_masstest6-8_advlong-filter.f90 main/arare.f90
$ cp io/historyfileio_mmconv2_masstest7.f90 io/historyfileio.f90
$ cp physocs/densitycloud_turb-masstest2.f90 physics/densitycloud.f90
$ cp physics/latentheat_all.f90 physics/latentheat.f90
$ cp physics/masscondense_threshold-masstest4.f90 physics/masscondense.f90
$ cp physics/adiation_balance4.f90 physics/radiation.f90
$ cp setup/storepottemp_mmconv2.f90 setup/storepottemp.f90
$ cp setup/storedenscloud_2d-5.f90 setup/storedenscloud.f90
$ cp moist/moistbuoyancy_org.f90 moist/moistbuoyancy.f90 
$ cp env/basicenv_smooth.f90 env/basicenv.f90
$ cp numdiffusion_smooth_alpha1e-4.f90 util/numdiffusion.f90

Changing the configuration

You may edit a namelist file for moist convection with major component condensation, "arare-mmc.conf".

For details of namelist files, see this page.

For example, you can edit the following entries easily.


Before "make mmc", you should command "make clean".

$ make clean
$ make mmc

Execution of experiments

In order to execute the experiment, command as follows.

If you give no argument, the execution program bin/arare read arare.conf as a namelist file. When you perform experiments for Martian atmospheric convection with major component condensation, you have to copy arare-mmc.conf as arare.conf, and execute bin/arare.

$ cp arare-mmc.conf arare.conf
$ ./bin/arare

Alternatively, you can also execute bon/arare by specifying a namelist file.

$ ./bin/arare -N=arare-mmc.conf

When executing bin/arare, you can give following arguments.

-N=(Path to namelist file) or --namelist=(Path to namelist file)
   Specifying a namelist file explicitly.

-D or --debug
   Output the debug message.

-H or --help
   Output the help message. 

Furthermore, you can save standard output and standard error output. If your shell is bash, command as follows.

$ ./bin/arare > arare.log 2> arare_error.log

Then you can get a standard output file "arare.log" and a standard error output file "arare_error.log".

If you have finished calculation, you can obtain following data files.

MarsCond_restart2.nc     Restart file
MarsCond_BasicZ.nc       Basic states
MarsCond_DensCloud.nc    Cloud of density
MarsCond_Exner.nc        The Exner function
MarsCond_H2O-g.nc        Mixing ration for H2O vapor
MarsCond_H2O-s-Cloud.nc  Mixing ration for H2O cloud
MarsCond_H2O-s-Rain.nc   Mixing ration for H2O rain
MarsCond_Kh.nc           Turbulent diffusion coefficient(momentum)
MarsCond_Km.nc           Turbulent diffusion coefficient(scalar)
MarsCond_PotTemp.nc      Potential Temperature
MarsCond_SatRatio.nc     Saturation ratio
MarsCond_VelX.nc         Horizontal velocity
MarsCond_VelZ.nc         Vertical velocity
MarsCond_Zprof.nc        Diagnosis

You can get figures shown above by vizualisation for data files.


$Id: mars-plumetest.rd,v 1.4 2011-03-02 05:24:16 yamasita Exp $
Deepconv Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff dcstaff@gfd-dennou.org
Last Updated: 2011/03/01, Since: 2011/03/01