
Path: main/dcpam_hs94.f90
Last Update: Wed Sep 26 11:50:55 JST 2007

dcpam サンプル主プログラム

dcpam sample main program

Authors:Yasuhiro MORIKAWA
Version:$Id: dcpam_hs94.f90,v 1.23 2007/09/26 02:50:55 morikawa Exp $
Tag Name:$Name: dcpam4-20071012 $
Copyright:Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2007. All rights reserved.


Included Modules

initial_data dyn_spectral_as83 phy_hs94 constants timefilter gt4_history dc_types dc_args dc_trace dc_message dc_string dc_date dc_date_types dc_clock dc_iounit

Public Instance methods

Main Program :

Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel.

dcpam のメインプログラムのサンプルです. Held and Suarez (1994) ベンチマークテストを行ないます.

This is sample main program of dcpam. Held and Suarez (1994) benchmark test is performed.

This procedure input/output NAMELIST#dcpam_hs94_grid_nml, NAMELIST#dcpam_hs94_initdata_nml, NAMELIST#dcpam_hs94_geodata_nml, NAMELIST#dcpam_hs94_time_nml, NAMELIST#dcpam_hs94_history_nml, NAMELIST#dcpam_hs94_history_file_nml, NAMELIST#dcpam_hs94_restart_nml .


program dcpam_hs94
  ! <b>Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel.</b>
  ! dcpam のメインプログラムのサンプルです.
  ! Held and Suarez (1994) ベンチマークテストを行ないます.
  ! This is sample main program of dcpam.
  ! Held and Suarez (1994) benchmark test is performed.

  !  初期値生成
  !  Generate initial data
  use initial_data, only: INIDAT, Create, GetAxes, GetData, Close, PutLine

  !  力学過程
  !  Dynamical core
  use dyn_spectral_as83, only: DYNSPAS83, Create, Close, EqualAxes, GetAxes, Dynamics, VorDiv2UV, UV2VorDiv

  !  物理過程
  !  Physical processes

  !  Held and Suarez (1994)
  use phy_hs94, only: PHYHS94, Create, Close, Forcing

  !  GCM 用ユーティリティ
  !  Utilities for GCM

  !  物理定数
  !  Physical constants
  use constants, only: CONST, Create, Get, PutLine

  !  タイムフィルター
  !  Time filter
  use timefilter, only: TFILTER, Create, Filter, Progress

  !  データ I/O
  !  Data I/O
  use gt4_history, only: GT_HISTORY, HistoryGet, HistoryCopy, HistoryCreate, HistoryAddVariable, HistoryPut, HistoryClose, HistoryAddAttr, HistorySetTime

  !  汎用ユーティリティ
  !  Common utilities
  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, TOKEN, STDOUT
  use dc_args, only: ARGS, Open, HelpMsg, Option, Debug, Help, Strict, Close
  use dc_trace, only: DbgMessage, BeginSub, EndSub
  use dc_message,only: MessageNotify
  use dc_string, only: toChar, Printf, StoA
  use dc_date, only: Create, EvalSec, EvalByUnit, mod, operator(*), operator(==), operator(<), operator(/), operator(+), operator(-)
  use dc_date_types, only: DC_DIFFTIME
  use dc_clock, only: CLOCK, Create, Close, Start, Stop, Result, Predict, operator(+)
  use dc_iounit, only: FileOpen
  implicit none

  !  実験の表題, モデルの名称, 所属機関名
  !  Title of a experiment, name of model, sub-organ
  character(*), parameter:: title = 'dcpam_hs94 $Name: dcpam4-20071012 $ :: ' // 'DCPAM sample program: Held and Suarez (1994) benchmark test'
  character(*), parameter:: source = 'dcpam4 (See http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/dcpam)'
  character(*), parameter:: institution = 'GFD Dennou Club (See http://www.gfd-dennou.org)'

  !  格子点数・最大全波数
  !  Grid points and maximum truncated wavenumber
  integer:: nmax = 10         ! 最大全波数. 
                              ! Maximum truncated wavenumber
  integer:: imax = 32         ! 経度格子点数. 
                              ! Number of grid points in longitude
  integer:: jmax = 16         ! 緯度格子点数. 
                              ! Number of grid points in latitude
  integer:: kmax = 20         ! 鉛直層数. 
                              ! Number of vertical level

  namelist /dcpam_hs94_grid_nml/ nmax, imax, jmax, kmax
                              ! 格子点, 最大波数の設定. 
                              ! Configure grid points and maximum truncated wavenumber

  !  物理定数
  !  Physical constants
  real(DP):: PI               ! $ \pi $ .    円周率.         Circular constant

  real(DP):: RPlanet          ! $ a $ .      惑星半径.       Radius of planet
  real(DP):: Omega            ! $ \Omega $ . 回転角速度.     Angular velocity
  real(DP):: Grav             ! $ g $ .      重力加速度.     Gravitational acceleration
  real(DP):: Cp               ! $ C_p $ .    大気定圧比熱.   Specific heat of air at constant pressure
  real(DP):: RAir             ! $ R $ .      大気気体定数.   Gas constant of air
  real(DP):: EpsVT            ! $ 1/\epsilon_v - 1 $ .
  integer:: VisOrder          ! 超粘性の次数.  Order of hyper-viscosity
  real(DP):: EFoldTime        ! 最大波数に対する e-folding time. E-folding time for maximum wavenumber

  !  初期値データ (リスタートデータ)
  !  Initial data (Restart data)
  logical:: initial_data_prepared = .false.
                              ! 初期値データ (リスタートデータ) 
                              ! ファイルの有無. 
                              ! Presence or absence of 
                              ! initial data (restart data) file. 
  character(STRING):: init_nc = 'dcpam_hs94_restart.nc'
                              ! 初期値データ (リスタートデータ) 
                              ! netCDF ファイル名. 
                              ! NetCDF filename for 
                              ! initial data (restart data) file. 
  character(TOKEN):: init_nc_time_varname = 'time'
                              ! 時刻の変数名. 
                              ! 空にした場合, データ入力時に時刻指定を
                              ! 行いません.
                              ! Variable name of time. 
                              ! If this variable is null character, 
                              ! time is not specified when data is input.
  real(DP):: init_nc_timeB = -90.0_DP
                              ! 初期値データ ( $ t-\Delta t $ ) の時刻. 
                              ! Time of initial data ( $ t-\Delta t $ )
  real(DP):: init_nc_timeN = 0.0_DP
                              ! 初期値データ ( $ t $ ) の時刻. 
                              ! Time of initial data ( $ t $ )

  namelist /dcpam_hs94_initdata_nml/ initial_data_prepared, init_nc, init_nc_time_varname, init_nc_timeB, init_nc_timeN
                 ! 初期値データ, リスタートデータの設定. 
                 ! Configure initial data or restart data

  type(INIDAT):: ini_dat

  !  地形データ  (地表 $ \Phi $ )
  !  Geography data (surface $ \Phi $ )
  logical:: geography_data_prepared = .false.
                              ! 地形データ (地表 $ \Phi $ ) の有無. 
                              ! Presence or absence of geography data (surface $ \Phi $ )

  character(STRING):: geo_nc = 'geo.nc'
                              ! 地形データ netCDF ファイル. 
                              ! NetCDF file for geography data

  namelist /dcpam_hs94_geodata_nml/ geography_data_prepared, geo_nc
                 ! 地形データの設定. 
                 ! Configure geography data

  !  OPENMP による並列計算
  !  Parallel computing with OPENMP
  integer:: openmp_threads = 1 ! OPENMP での最大スレッド数. 
                               ! Maximum number of threads in OPENMP

  !  現在時刻, 時間ステップ $ \Delta t $ , 
  !  積分終了時刻, 予測時間表示の設定
  !  Configure current time, time step $ \Delta t $ , 
  !  finish time of integral, predicted CPU time
  type(DC_DIFFTIME):: current_time
                              ! 現在時刻. Current time.
  type(DC_DIFFTIME):: start_time
                              ! 開始時刻. Current time.
  real(DP):: start_time_value = 0.0_DP
                              ! 開始時刻の値. Value of start time
  character(TOKEN):: start_time_unit = 'minute'
                              ! 開始時刻の単位. Unit of start time
  type(DC_DIFFTIME):: delta_time
                              ! $ \Delta t $ . タイムステップ. Time step
  real(DP):: delta_time_value = 90.0_DP
                              ! $ \Delta t $ . タイムステップの値. Value of time step
  character(TOKEN):: delta_time_unit = 'minute'
                              ! タイムステップの単位. Unit of time step
  type(DC_DIFFTIME):: total_time
                              ! 積分終了時刻. Finish time of integral
  real(DP):: total_time_value = 7.0_DP
                              ! 積分終了時刻の値. Value of finish time of integral
  character(TOKEN):: total_time_unit = 'days'
                              ! 積分終了時刻の単位. Unit of finish time of integral

  type(DC_DIFFTIME):: predict_show_interval_time
                              ! 終了予測日時表示間隔. 
                              ! Interval of predicted date output
  real(DP):: predict_show_interval_value = 1.0_DP
                              ! 終了予測日時表示間隔. 
                              ! Interval of predicted date output
  character(TOKEN):: predict_show_interval_unit = 'days'
                              ! 終了予測日時表示間隔 (単位). 
                              ! Unit for interval of predicted date output

  namelist /dcpam_hs94_time_nml/ start_time_value, start_time_unit, delta_time_value, delta_time_unit, total_time_value, total_time_unit, predict_show_interval_value, predict_show_interval_unit
                 ! 時刻の設定
                 ! Configure time

  !  ヒストリファイルへのデータ出力設定
  !  Configure the settings for history data output
  type(DC_DIFFTIME):: history_interval_time
                              ! ヒストリデータの出力間隔. 
                              ! Interval of history data output
  real(DP):: history_interval_value = 0.125_DP
                              ! ヒストリデータの出力間隔の単位. 
                              ! Unit for interval of history data output
  character(TOKEN):: history_interval_unit = 'days'
                              ! ヒストリデータの出力間隔の単位. 
                              ! Unit for interval of history data output

  character(TOKEN):: history_precision = 'float'
                              ! ヒストリデータの精度. 
                              ! Precision of history data

  namelist /dcpam_hs94_history_nml/ history_interval_value, history_interval_unit, history_precision
                 ! ヒストリファイルへのデータ出力設定
                 ! Configure the settings for history data output

  character(STRING):: xyz_U_filename = 'U.nc'
                              ! xyz_U の出力ファイル名. 
                              ! Filename of "xyz_U"
  character(STRING):: xyz_V_filename = 'V.nc'
                              ! xyz_V の出力ファイル名. 
                              ! Filename of "xyz_V"
  character(STRING):: xyz_Vor_filename = 'Vor.nc'
                              ! xyz_Vor の出力ファイル名. 
                              ! Filename of "xyz_Vor"
  character(STRING):: xyz_Div_filename = 'Div.nc'
                              ! xyz_Div の出力ファイル名. 
                              ! Filename of "xyz_Div"
  character(STRING):: xyz_Temp_filename = 'Temp.nc'
                              ! xyz_Temp の出力ファイル名. 
                              ! Filename of "xyz_Temp"
  character(STRING):: xy_Ps_filename = 'Ps.nc'
                              ! xy_Ps の出力ファイル名. 
                              ! Filename of "xy_Ps"
  character(STRING):: xyz_QVap_filename = 'QVap.nc'
                              ! xyz_QVap の出力ファイル名. 
                              ! Filename of "xyz_QVap"

  namelist /dcpam_hs94_history_file_nml/ xyz_U_filename, xyz_V_filename, xyz_Vor_filename, xyz_Div_filename, xyz_Temp_filename, xy_Ps_filename, xyz_QVap_filename
                 ! ヒストリファイルの名称設定
                 ! Configure names of history files

  !  リスタートファイルへのデータ出力設定
  !  Configure the settings for restart data output
  type(DC_DIFFTIME):: restart_interval_time
                              ! リスタートデータの出力間隔. 
                              ! Interval of restart data output
  real(DP):: restart_interval_value = 1440.0_DP
                              ! リスタートデータの出力間隔. 
                              ! Interval of restart data output
  character(TOKEN):: restart_interval_unit = 'minute'
                              ! リスタートデータの出力間隔の単位. 
                              ! Unit for interval of restart data output

  character(STRING):: restart_filename = 'dcpam_hs94_restart.nc'
                              ! リスタートデータのファイル名
                              ! filename of restart data

  namelist /dcpam_hs94_restart_nml/ restart_interval_value, restart_interval_unit, restart_filename
                 ! リスタートファイルへのデータ出力設定
                 ! Configure the settings for restart data output

  !  配列の定義
  !  Declaration of array

  !  座標変数
  !  Coordinate variables
  real(DP), allocatable:: x_Lon (:) ! 経度. Longitude
  real(DP), allocatable:: x_Lon_Weight (:)
                                    ! 経度積分用座標重み. 
                                    ! Weight for integration in longitude
  real(DP), allocatable:: y_Lat (:) ! 緯度. Latitude
  real(DP), allocatable:: y_Lat_Weight (:)
                                    ! 緯度積分用座標重み. 
                                    ! Weight for integration in latitude
  real(DP), allocatable:: z_Sigma (:)
                              ! $ \sigma $ レベル (整数). 
                              ! Full $ \sigma $ level
  real(DP), allocatable:: r_Sigma (:)
                              ! $ \sigma $ レベル (半整数). 
                              ! Half $ \sigma $ level
  real(DP), allocatable:: z_DelSigma (:)
                              ! $ \Delta \sigma $ (整数). 
                              ! $ \Delta \sigma $ (Full)

  !  予報変数
  !  Prediction variables
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_VorB (:,:,:)
                              ! $ \zeta (t-\Delta t) $ . 渦度. Vorticity
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_DivB (:,:,:)
                              ! $ D (t-\Delta t) $ .     発散. Divergence
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_TempB (:,:,:)
                              ! $ T (t-\Delta t) $ .     温度. Temperature
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_QVapB (:,:,:)
                              ! $ q (t-\Delta t) $ .     比湿. Specific humidity
  real(DP), allocatable:: xy_PsB (:,:)
                              ! $ P_s (t-\Delta t) $ .   地表面気圧. Surface pressure

  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_UN (:,:,:)
                              ! $ U (t) $ .     東西風速. Zonal wind
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_VN (:,:,:)
                              ! $ V (t) $ .     南北風速. Meridional wind
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_VorN (:,:,:)
                              ! $ \zeta (t) $ . 渦度. Vorticity
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_DivN (:,:,:)
                              ! $ D (t) $ .     発散. Divergence
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_TempN (:,:,:)
                              ! $ T (t) $ .     温度. Temperature
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_QVapN (:,:,:)
                              ! $ q (t) $ .     比湿. Specific humidity
  real(DP), allocatable:: xy_PsN (:,:)
                              ! $ P_s (t) $ .   地表面気圧. Surface pressure

  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_UA (:,:,:)
                              ! $ U (t+\Delta t) $ .     東西風速. Zonal wind
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_VA (:,:,:)
                              ! $ V (t+\Delta t) $ .     南北風速. Meridional wind
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_VorA (:,:,:)
                              ! $ \zeta (t+\Delta t) $ . 渦度. Vorticity
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_DivA (:,:,:)
                              ! $ D (t+\Delta t) $ .     発散. Divergence
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_TempA (:,:,:)
                              ! $ T (t+\Delta t) $ .     温度. Temperature
  real(DP), allocatable:: xyz_QVapA (:,:,:)
                              ! $ q (t+\Delta t) $ .     比湿. Specific humidity
  real(DP), allocatable:: xy_PsA (:,:)
                              ! $ P_s (t+\Delta t) $ .   地表面気圧. Surface pressure

  !  地形データ (地表 $ \Phi $ ) 変数
  !  Geography data (surface $ \Phi $ ) variables
  real(DP), allocatable:: xy_Phis (:,:)
                              ! $ \Phi_s $ . 地表ジオポテンシャル. 
                              ! Surface geo-potential

  !  作業変数
  !  Work variables
  type(ARGS):: arg            ! コマンドライン引数. 
                              ! Command line arguments
  logical:: OPT_namelist      ! -N, --namelist オプションの有無. 
                              ! Existence of '-N', '--namelist' option
  character(STRING):: VAL_namelist
                              ! -N, --namelist オプションの値. 
                              ! Value of '-N', '--namelist' option
  integer:: unit_nml          ! NAMELIST ファイルオープン用装置番号. 
                              ! Unit number for NAMELIST file open
  integer:: iostat_nml        ! NAMELIST 読み込み時の IOSTAT. 
                              ! IOSTAT of NAMELIST read
  character(STRING):: init_nc_rangeB
                              ! 初期値入力の際の切り出し指定 ( $ t-\Delta t $ ). 
                              ! Range of initial data input ( $ t-\Delta t $ )
  character(STRING):: init_nc_rangeN
                              ! 初期値入力の際の切り出し指定 ( $ t $ ). 
                              ! Range of initial data input ( $ t $ )
  type(CONST):: const_earth   ! 物理定数. Physical constants.

  type(DYNSPAS83):: dyn       ! 力学過程. 
                              ! Dynamical core
  type(PHYHS94):: phy_hs      ! 物理過程 (Held and Suarez (1994))
                              ! Physical process (Held and Suarez (1994))
  type(TFILTER):: tfilt       ! タイムフィルター. 
                              ! Time filter

  type(CLOCK):: clk_setup, clk_histget, clk_histput, clk_dyn, clk_phy, clk_tfilt
                              ! CPU 時間モニター. 
                              ! CPU time monitor

  type(GT_HISTORY):: gthist_xyz_U, gthist_xyz_V, gthist_xyz_Vor, gthist_xyz_Div, gthist_xyz_Temp, gthist_xyz_QVap, gthist_xy_Ps, gthist_restart
                              ! ヒストリデータ, リスタートデータ出力. 
                              ! Output of history data and restart data

  logical:: wa_module_initialized = .false.
                              ! wa_module (SPMODEL ライブラリ) 初期化フラグ. 
                              ! "wa_module" (SPMODEL library) 
                              ! initialization flag. 

  character(*), parameter:: version = '$Name: dcpam4-20071012 $' // '$Id: dcpam_hs94.f90,v 1.23 2007/09/26 02:50:55 morikawa Exp $'
  character(*), parameter:: subname = 'dcpam_hs94'

  !  コマンドライン引数の処理
  !  Command line arguments handling
  call Open( arg )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Title', title )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Usage', './dcpam_hs94 [Options]' )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Description', 'This program runs Held and Suarez (1994) benchmark test. ' // 'By default, ' // 'the resolution is T' // trim(toChar(nmax)) // 'L' // trim(toChar(kmax)) // '. ' // 'For details, see below. ' // 'In order to change the settings, use NAMELIST file. ' // 'Some samples are prepared as dcpam_hs94_***.nml .' )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Details about time', 'By default, integration time is ' // trim(toChar(total_time_value)) // ' ' // trim(total_time_unit) // ', ' // 'time step is ' // trim(toChar(delta_time_value)) // ' ' // trim(delta_time_unit) // '. ' )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Details about an initial data file', 'By default, no initial data file is needed. ' // 'Initial data is generated internally.' )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Details about output files', 'By default, a restart file is "' // trim(restart_filename) // '", ' // 'history files are ' // '"' // trim(xyz_U_filename) // '", ' // '"' // trim(xyz_V_filename) // '", ' // '"' // trim(xyz_Vor_filename) // '", ' // '"' // trim(xyz_Div_filename) // '", ' // '"' // trim(xyz_Temp_filename) // '", ' // '"' // trim(xy_Ps_filename) // '", ' // '"' // trim(xyz_QVap_filename) // '".' )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Source', source )
  call HelpMsg( arg, 'Institution', institution )
  call Option( arg, StoA('-N', '--namelist'), OPT_namelist, VAL_namelist, help="NAMELIST filename" )
  call Debug( arg )
   call Help( arg ) 
   call Strict( arg, severe = .true. )
  call Close( arg )

  call BeginSub( subname, version=version )

  !  CPU 時間モニターの初期設定
  !  Configure the settings for CPU time monitor
  call Create( clk_setup, 'Setup')        ! (in)
  call Create( clk_histget, 'HistoryGet')   ! (in)
  call Create( clk_histput, 'HistoryPut')   ! (in)
  call Create( clk_dyn, 'Dynamics')     ! (in)
  call Create( clk_phy, 'Phyisics')     ! (in)
  call Create( clk_tfilt, 'TimeFilter')   ! (in)

  !  格子点数・最大全波数の設定
  !  Configure the grid points and maximum truncated wavenumber
  call Start(clk_setup) ! (inout)

  !  NAMELIST の読み込み
  !  Load NAMELIST
  if ( .not. trim(VAL_namelist) == '' ) then
    call FileOpen( unit = unit_nml, file = VAL_namelist, mode = 'r' )  ! (in)
    read( unit = unit_nml, nml = dcpam_hs94_grid_nml, iostat = iostat_nml ) ! (out)
    if ( iostat_nml == 0 ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is loaded from "%c".', c1='dcpam_hs94_grid_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist) )
      write(STDOUT, nml = dcpam_hs94_grid_nml)
      call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is not found in "%c" (iostat=%d).', c1='dcpam_hs94_grid_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist), i=(/iostat_nml/) )
    end if
    close( unit_nml )
  end if

  !  現在時刻, 時間ステップ $ \Delta t $ , 
  !  積分終了時刻, 予測時間表示の設定
  !  Configure current time, time step $ \Delta t $ , 
  !  finish time of integral, predicted CPU time

  !  NAMELIST の読み込み
  !  Load NAMELIST
  if ( .not. trim(VAL_namelist) == '' ) then
    call FileOpen( unit = unit_nml, file = VAL_namelist, mode = 'r' )  ! (in)
    read( unit = unit_nml, nml = dcpam_hs94_time_nml, iostat = iostat_nml ) ! (out)
    if ( iostat_nml == 0 ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is loaded from "%c".', c1='dcpam_hs94_time_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist) )
      write(STDOUT, nml = dcpam_hs94_time_nml)
      call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is not found in "%c" (iostat=%d).', c1='dcpam_hs94_time_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist), i=(/iostat_nml/) )
    end if
    close( unit_nml )
  end if

  !  DC_DIFFTIME 型変数の設定
  !  Configure DC_DIFFTIME type variables
  call Create( current_time, start_time_value, start_time_unit)    ! (in)
  call Create( start_time, start_time_value, start_time_unit)    ! (in)
  call Create( delta_time, delta_time_value, delta_time_unit)    ! (in)
  call Create( total_time, total_time_value, total_time_unit)    ! (in)
  call Create( predict_show_interval_time, predict_show_interval_value, predict_show_interval_unit)    ! (in)

  !  地形データ (地表 $ \Phi $ ) の取得
  !  Get geography data (surface $ \Phi $ )

  !  NAMELIST の読み込み
  !  Load NAMELIST
  if ( .not. trim(VAL_namelist) == '' ) then
    call FileOpen( unit = unit_nml, file = VAL_namelist, mode = 'r' )  ! (in)
    read( unit = unit_nml, nml = dcpam_hs94_geodata_nml, iostat = iostat_nml ) ! (out)
    if ( iostat_nml == 0 ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is loaded from "%c".', c1='dcpam_hs94_geodata_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist) )
      write(STDOUT, nml = dcpam_hs94_geodata_nml)
      call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is not found in "%c" (iostat=%d).', c1='dcpam_hs94_geodata_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist), i=(/iostat_nml/) )
    end if
    close( unit_nml )
  end if

  !  ファイルの読み込み
  !  Load a file
  allocate( xy_Phis(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1) )
  if ( geography_data_prepared ) then
    call HistoryGet( geo_nc, 'Phis', xy_Phis )         ! (out)
    xy_Phis = 0.0_DP
  end if

  !  物理定数の設定
  !  Configure the physical constants
  call Create( constant = const_earth, Cp = 1004.6_DP, RAir = 287.04_DP, VisOrder = 8, EFoldTime = 8640.0_DP, nmlfile = VAL_namelist )            ! (in)
  call PutLine( constant = const_earth )  ! (in)
  call Get( constant = const_earth, PI = PI, RPlanet = RPlanet, Grav = Grav, Omega = Omega, Cp = Cp, RAir = RAir, EpsVT = EpsVT, VisOrder = VisOrder, EFoldTime = EFoldTime )            ! (out)

  !  タイムフィルターの設定
  !  Configure the settings for time filter
  call Create( tfilt, filter_param = 0.05_DP, int_time = delta_time, cur_time = current_time, nmlfile = VAL_namelist )                          ! (in)

  !  緯度経度変数, 鉛直レベル変数の割付
  !  (リスタートファイル, ヒストリファイル出力用)
  !  Allocate variablesa of latitude and longitude and vertical level
  !  for output of restart file and history files
  allocate( x_Lon(0:imax-1) )
  allocate( x_Lon_Weight (0:imax-1) )
  allocate( y_Lat(0:jmax-1) )
  allocate( y_Lat_Weight (0:jmax-1) )
  allocate( z_Sigma(0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( r_Sigma(0:kmax) )
  allocate( z_DelSigma(0:kmax-1) )

  !  予報変数の割付
  !  Allocate prediction variables
  allocate( xyz_VorB(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_DivB(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_TempB(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_QVapB(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xy_PsB(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1) )

  allocate( xyz_UN(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_VN(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_VorN(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_DivN(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_TempN(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_QVapN(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xy_PsN(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1) )

  allocate( xyz_UA(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_VA(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_VorA(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_DivA(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_TempA(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xyz_QVapA(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1, 0:kmax-1) )
  allocate( xy_PsA(0:imax-1, 0:jmax-1) )

  call Stop(clk_setup)   ! (inout)

  !  軸データおよび初期値データの取得もしくは生成
  !  Get or generate axes data and initial data
  call Start(clk_histget)   ! (inout)

  !  NAMELIST の読み込み
  !  Load NAMELIST
  if ( .not. trim(VAL_namelist) == '' ) then
    call FileOpen( unit = unit_nml, file = VAL_namelist, mode = 'r' )  ! (in)
    read( unit = unit_nml, nml = dcpam_hs94_initdata_nml, iostat = iostat_nml ) ! (out)
    if ( iostat_nml == 0 ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is loaded from "%c".', c1='dcpam_hs94_initdata_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist) )
      write(STDOUT, nml = dcpam_hs94_initdata_nml)
      call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is not found in "%c" (iostat=%d).', c1='dcpam_hs94_initdata_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist), i=(/iostat_nml/) )
    end if
    close( unit_nml )
  end if

  !  ファイルの読み込み
  !  Load a file
  if ( initial_data_prepared ) then

    !  座標軸の読み込み
    !  Load axes
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'lon', array = x_Lon )                     ! (out)
    x_Lon = x_Lon * PI / 180.0_DP ! ※ 本当は units = 'degree' を解釈しなければ...
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'lon_weight', array = x_Lon_Weight )                    ! (out)
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'lat', array = y_Lat )                     ! (out)
    y_Lat = y_Lat * PI / 180.0_DP ! ※ 本当は units = 'degree' を解釈しなければ...
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'lat_weight', array = y_Lat_Weight )                    ! (out)
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'sig', array = z_Sigma )                   ! (out)
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'sigm', array = r_Sigma )                    ! (out)

    !  データの読み込み
    !  Load data
    if ( .not. trim(init_nc_time_varname) == '' ) then
      init_nc_rangeB = trim(init_nc_time_varname) // '=' // trim(toChar(init_nc_timeB))
      init_nc_rangeN = trim(init_nc_time_varname) // '=' // trim(toChar(init_nc_timeN))
      init_nc_rangeB = ''
      init_nc_rangeN = ''
    end if

    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Vor', array = xyz_VorB, range = init_nc_rangeB )            ! (in)
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Vor', array = xyz_VorN, range = init_nc_rangeN )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Div', array = xyz_DivB, range = init_nc_rangeB )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Div', array = xyz_DivN, range = init_nc_rangeN )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Temp', array = xyz_TempB, range = init_nc_rangeB )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Temp', array = xyz_TempN, range = init_nc_rangeN )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'QVap', array = xyz_QVapB, range = init_nc_rangeB )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'QVap', array = xyz_QVapN, range = init_nc_rangeN )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Ps', array = xy_PsB, range = init_nc_rangeB )            ! (in) 
    call HistoryGet( file = init_nc, varname = 'Ps', array = xy_PsN, range = init_nc_rangeN )            ! (in) 
    call Create( ini_dat = ini_dat, nmax = nmax, imax = imax, jmax = jmax, kmax = kmax, Cp = Cp, RAir = RAir, r_SigmaSet = (/ 1.00_DP, 0.95_DP, 0.90_DP, 0.85_DP, 0.80_DP, 0.75_DP, 0.70_DP, 0.65_DP, 0.60_DP, 0.55_DP, 0.50_DP, 0.45_DP, 0.40_DP, 0.35_DP, 0.30_DP, 0.25_DP, 0.20_DP, 0.15_DP, 0.10_DP, 0.05_DP, 0.0_DP /), nmlfile = VAL_namelist )                              ! (in)
    wa_module_initialized = .true.
    call GetAxes( ini_dat = ini_dat, x_Lon = x_Lon, x_Lon_Weight = x_Lon_Weight, y_Lat = y_Lat, y_Lat_Weight = y_Lat_Weight, z_Sigma = z_Sigma, r_Sigma = r_Sigma ) ! (out)
    call GetData( ini_dat = ini_dat, xyz_Vor   = xyz_VorB,   xyz_Div  = xyz_DivB, xyz_Temp  = xyz_TempB, xyz_QVap  = xyz_QVapB, xy_Ps     = xy_PsB )                            ! (out)
    call GetData( ini_dat = ini_dat, xyz_Vor   = xyz_VorN,   xyz_Div  = xyz_DivN, xyz_Temp  = xyz_TempN, xyz_QVap  = xyz_QVapN, xy_Ps     = xy_PsN )                            ! (out)
    call Close( ini_dat )                        ! (inout)
  end if

  call Stop(clk_histget)   ! (inout)

  !  力学過程の設定
  !  Configure the settings for dynamical core
  call Start(clk_setup) ! (inout)

  !  dyn_spectral_as83 の設定
  !  Configure 'dyn_spectral_as83'
  call Create( dyn_sp_as = dyn, nmax = nmax, imax = imax, jmax = jmax, kmax = kmax, PI = PI, RPlanet = RPlanet, Omega = Omega, Cp = Cp, RAir = RAir, EpsVT = EpsVT, VisOrder = VisOrder, EFoldTime = EFoldTime, DelTime = EvalSec(delta_time), xy_Phis = xy_Phis, openmp_threads = openmp_threads, wa_module_initialized = wa_module_initialized, nmlfile = VAL_namelist )                              ! (in)

  call EqualAxes( dyn_sp_as = dyn, x_Lon = x_Lon,     y_Lat = y_Lat, z_Sigma = z_Sigma, r_Sigma = r_Sigma )       ! (in)

  !  物理過程の設定
  !  Configure the settings for physical processes
  !  Held and Suarez (1994)
  call Create( phy_hs = phy_hs, imax = imax, jmax = jmax, kmax = kmax, y_Lat = y_Lat, z_Sigma = z_Sigma, DelTime = EvalSec(delta_time), Cp = Cp, RAir = RAir, nmlfile = VAL_namelist )                 ! (in)

  call Stop(clk_setup) ! (inout)

  !  ヒストリファイルへのデータ出力設定
  !  Configure the settings for history data output
  call Start(clk_histput)   ! (inout)

  !  NAMELIST の読み込み
  !  Load NAMELIST
  if ( .not. trim(VAL_namelist) == '' ) then
    call FileOpen( unit = unit_nml, file = VAL_namelist, mode = 'r' )  ! (in)
    read( unit = unit_nml, nml = dcpam_hs94_history_nml, iostat = iostat_nml ) ! (out)
    if ( iostat_nml == 0 ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is loaded from "%c".', c1='dcpam_hs94_history_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist) )
      write(STDOUT, nml = dcpam_hs94_history_nml)
      call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is not found in "%c" (iostat=%d).', c1='dcpam_hs94_history_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist), i=(/iostat_nml/) )
    end if
    close( unit_nml )
  end if

  if ( .not. trim(VAL_namelist) == '' ) then
    call FileOpen( unit = unit_nml, file = VAL_namelist, mode = 'r' )  ! (in)
    read( unit = unit_nml, nml = dcpam_hs94_history_file_nml, iostat = iostat_nml ) ! (out)
    if ( iostat_nml == 0 ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is loaded from "%c".', c1='dcpam_hs94_history_file_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist) )
      write(STDOUT, nml = dcpam_hs94_history_file_nml)
      call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is not found in "%c" (iostat=%d).', c1='dcpam_hs94_history_file_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist), i=(/iostat_nml/) )
    end if
    close( unit_nml )
  end if

  !  DC_DIFFTIME 型変数の設定
  !  Configure DC_DIFFTIME type variables
  call Create( history_interval_time, history_interval_value, history_interval_unit) ! (in)

  !  渦度と発散から東西風速と南北風速を計算 (ステップ $ t $ )
  !  Calculate zonal and meridional wind from vorticity and divergence
  !  at step $ t $
  call VorDiv2UV( dyn_sp_as = dyn, xyz_Vor = xyz_VorN, xyz_Div = xyz_DivN, xyz_U   = xyz_UN,   xyz_V   = xyz_VN )    ! (out)

  !  xyz_U の出力設定とステップ $ t $ のデータ出力
  !  Configure the settings for "xyz_U" output, and output data at $ t $
  call HistoryCreate( history = gthist_xyz_U, file = xyz_U_filename, title = title, source = source, institution = institution, dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'sigm', 'time'), dimsizes = (/imax, jmax, kmax, kmax + 1, 0/), longnames = StoA('longitude', 'latitude', 'sigma at layer midpoints', 'sigma at layer end-points (half level)', 'time'), units = StoA('degree_east', 'degree_north', '1', '1', history_interval_unit), origin = real(EvalbyUnit(current_time, history_interval_unit)), interval = real(EvalbyUnit(history_interval_time, history_interval_unit)) )  ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'lon', array = x_Lon / PI * 180.0_DP ) ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'lat', array = y_Lat / PI * 180.0_DP ) ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'sig', array = z_Sigma ) ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'sigm', array = r_Sigma ) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'lon', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'longitude' )                          ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'lat', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'latitude' )                           ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'sig', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' )          ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'sigm', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' )          ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'time', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'time' )                                ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'sig', attrname = 'positive', value = 'down' )                            ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'sigm', attrname = 'positive', value = 'down' )                            ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'U', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'eastward wind', units = 'm s-1', xtype = history_precision )  ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'U', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'eastward_wind' )                    ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'U', array = xyz_UN )   ! (in)

  !  xyz_V の出力設定とステップ $ t $ のデータ出力
  !  Configure the settings for "xyz_V" output, and output data at $ t $
  call HistoryCopy( hist_dest = gthist_xyz_V, file = xyz_V_filename, hist_src = gthist_xyz_U) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_xyz_V, varname = 'V', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'northward wind', units = 'm s-1', xtype = history_precision )  ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_V, varname = 'V', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'northward_wind' )                   ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_V, varname = 'V', array = xyz_VN )   ! (in)

  !  xyz_Vor の出力設定とステップ $ t $ のデータ出力
  !  Configure the settings for "xyz_Vor" output, and output data at $ t $
  call HistoryCopy( hist_dest = gthist_xyz_Vor, file = xyz_Vor_filename, hist_src = gthist_xyz_U) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_xyz_Vor, varname = 'Vor', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'vorticity', units = 's-1', xtype = history_precision )    ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_Vor, varname = 'Vor', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'atmosphere_relative_vorticity' )      ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_Vor, varname = 'Vor', array = xyz_VorN )   ! (in)

  !  xyz_Div の出力設定とステップ $ t $ のデータ出力
  !  Configure the settings for "xyz_Div" output, and output data at $ t $
  call HistoryCopy( hist_dest = gthist_xyz_Div, file = xyz_Div_filename, hist_src = gthist_xyz_U) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_xyz_Div, varname = 'Div', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'divergence', units = 's-1', xtype = history_precision )    ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_Div, varname = 'Div', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'divergence_of_wind' )                 ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_Div, varname = 'Div', array = xyz_DivN )   ! (in)

  !  xyz_Temp の出力設定とステップ $ t $ のデータ出力
  !  Configure the settings for "xyz_Temp" output, and output data at $ t $
  call HistoryCopy( hist_dest = gthist_xyz_Temp, file = xyz_Temp_filename, hist_src = gthist_xyz_U) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_xyz_Temp, varname = 'Temp', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'temperature', units = 'K', xtype = history_precision )      ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_Temp, varname = 'Temp', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'air_temperature' )                     ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_Temp, varname = 'Temp', array = xyz_TempN )   ! (in)

  !  xyz_QVap の出力設定とステップ $ t $ のデータ出力
  !  Configure the settings for "xyz_QVap" output, and output data at $ t $
  call HistoryCopy( hist_dest = gthist_xyz_QVap, file = xyz_QVap_filename, hist_src = gthist_xyz_U) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_xyz_QVap, varname = 'QVap', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'specific humidity', units = '1', xtype = history_precision )      ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xyz_QVap, varname = 'QVap', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'specific_humidity' )                   ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_QVap, varname = 'QVap', array = xyz_QVapN )   ! (in)

  !  xy_Ps の出力設定とステップ $ t $ のデータ出力
  !  Configure the settings for "xy_Ps" output, and output data at $ t $
  call HistoryCopy( hist_dest = gthist_xy_Ps, file = xy_Ps_filename, hist_src = gthist_xyz_U) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_xy_Ps, varname = 'Ps', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'time'), longname = 'surface pressure', units = 'Pa', xtype = history_precision )  ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_xy_Ps, varname = 'Ps', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'surface_air_pressure' )              ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xy_Ps, varname = 'Ps', array = xy_PsN )   ! (in)

  !  ファイル出力に関してメッセージを表示
  !  Print message of file output
  call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'History files are created.' )

  !  リスタートファイルへのデータ出力設定
  !  Configure the settings for restart data output

  !  NAMELIST の読み込み
  !  Load NAMELIST
  if ( .not. trim(VAL_namelist) == '' ) then
    call FileOpen( unit = unit_nml, file = VAL_namelist, mode = 'r' )  ! (in)
    read( unit = unit_nml, nml = dcpam_hs94_restart_nml, iostat = iostat_nml ) ! (out)
    if ( iostat_nml == 0 ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is loaded from "%c".', c1='dcpam_hs94_restart_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist) )
      write(STDOUT, nml = dcpam_hs94_restart_nml)
      call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'NAMELIST group "%c" is not found in "%c" (iostat=%d).', c1='dcpam_hs94_restart_nml', c2=trim(VAL_namelist), i=(/iostat_nml/) )
    end if
    close( unit_nml )
  end if

  !  DC_DIFFTIME 型変数の設定
  !  Configure DC_DIFFTIME type variables
  call Create( restart_interval_time, restart_interval_value, restart_interval_unit) ! (in)

  call HistoryCreate( history = gthist_restart, file = restart_filename, title = title, source = source, institution = institution, dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'sigm', 'time'), dimsizes = (/imax, jmax, kmax, kmax + 1, 0/), longnames = StoA('longitude', 'latitude', 'sigma at layer midpoints', 'sigma at layer end-points (half level)', 'time'), units = StoA('degree_east', 'degree_north', '1', '1', restart_interval_unit), origin = real(EvalbyUnit(current_time, restart_interval_unit)), interval = real(EvalbyUnit(restart_interval_time, restart_interval_unit)) )  ! (in)

  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lon', array = x_Lon / PI * 180.0_DP )  ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lat', array = y_Lat / PI * 180.0_DP )  ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'sig', array = z_Sigma )  ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'sigm', array = r_Sigma )  ! (in)

  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lon', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'longitude' )                          ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lat', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'latitude' )                           ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'sig', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' )          ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'sigm', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' )          ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'time', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'time' )                                ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'sig', attrname = 'positive', value = 'down' )                            ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'sigm', attrname = 'positive', value = 'down' )                            ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lon_weight', dims = StoA('lon'), longname = 'weight for integration in longitude', units = 'radian', xtype = 'double' )                ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lon', attrname = 'gt_calc_weight', value = 'lon_weight' )                          ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lon_weight', array = x_Lon_Weight ) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lat_weight', dims = StoA('lat'), longname = 'weight for integration in latitude', units = 'radian', xtype = 'double' )               ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lat', attrname = 'gt_calc_weight', value = 'lat_weight' )                          ! (in)
  call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'lat_weight', array = y_Lat_Weight ) ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Vor', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'vorticity', units = 's-1', xtype = 'double' )             ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Vor', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'atmosphere_relative_vorticity' )      ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Div', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'divergence', units = 's-1', xtype = 'double' )             ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Div', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'divergence_of_wind' )                 ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Temp', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'temperature', units = 'K', xtype = 'double' )               ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Temp', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'air_temperature' )                     ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'QVap', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'sig', 'time'), longname = 'specific humidity', units = '1', xtype = 'double' )               ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'QVap', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'specific_humidity' )                   ! (in)

  call HistoryAddVariable( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Ps', dims = StoA('lon', 'lat', 'time'), longname = 'surface pressure', units = 'Pa', xtype = 'double' )        ! (in)
  call HistoryAddAttr( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Ps', attrname = 'standard_name', value = 'surface_air_pressure' )              ! (in)

  !  ファイル出力に関してメッセージを表示
  !  Print message of file output
  call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'Restart file "%c" is created.', c1=trim(restart_filename) )

  call Stop(clk_histput)   ! (inout)

  MainLoop : do while (current_time < total_time)
    !  力学過程演算
    !  Dynamical core
    call Start(clk_dyn)   ! (inout)
    call Dynamics( dyn_sp_as = dyn, xyz_VorB  = xyz_VorB,  xyz_DivB  = xyz_DivB, xyz_TempB = xyz_TempB, xyz_QVapB = xyz_QVapB, xy_PsB    = xy_PsB, xyz_VorN  = xyz_VorN,  xyz_DivN  = xyz_DivN, xyz_TempN = xyz_TempN, xyz_QVapN = xyz_QVapN, xy_PsN    = xy_PsN, xyz_VorA  = xyz_VorA,  xyz_DivA  = xyz_DivA, xyz_TempA = xyz_TempA, xyz_QVapA = xyz_QVapA, xy_PsA    = xy_PsA )                            ! (out)

    call Stop(clk_dyn)   ! (inout)

    !  物理過程
    !  Physical processes
    !  Held and Suarez(1994) の加熱、散逸
    !  Heating and dissipation by Held and Suarez(1994)
    call Start(clk_phy)   ! (inout)

    call VorDiv2UV( dyn_sp_as = dyn, xyz_Vor = xyz_VorA, xyz_Div = xyz_DivA, xyz_U   = xyz_UA,   xyz_V   = xyz_VA )    ! (out)

    call Forcing( phy_hs = phy_hs, xyz_U    = xyz_UA,    xyz_V = xyz_VA, xyz_Temp = xyz_TempA, xy_Ps = xy_PsA )                          ! (in)

    call UV2VorDiv( dyn_sp_as = dyn, xyz_U   = xyz_UA,   xyz_V   = xyz_VA, xyz_Vor = xyz_VorA, xyz_Div = xyz_DivA )  ! (out)

    call Stop(clk_phy)   ! (inout)

    !  タイムフィルター
    !  Time filter
    call Start(clk_tfilt)   ! (inout)

    call Filter( tfilt, xyz_VorB, xyz_VorN, xyz_VorA)     ! (in)

    call Filter( tfilt, xyz_DivB, xyz_DivN, xyz_DivA)     ! (in)

    call Filter( tfilt, xyz_TempB, xyz_TempN, xyz_TempA)     ! (in)

    call Filter( tfilt, xyz_QVapB, xyz_QVapN, xyz_QVapA)     ! (in)

    call Filter( tfilt, xy_PsB, xy_PsN, xy_PsA)     ! (in)

    call Progress( tfilt, time=delta_time)   ! (in)

    call Stop(clk_tfilt)   ! (inout)

    !  ヒストリファイルへのデータ出力
    !  History data output
    call Start(clk_histput)   ! (inout)

    if ( mod(current_time + delta_time, history_interval_time) == 0 ) then
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_Vor, varname = 'Vor', array = xyz_VorA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_Div, varname = 'Div', array = xyz_DivA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_Temp, varname = 'Temp', array = xyz_TempA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_QVap, varname = 'QVap', array = xyz_QVapA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xy_Ps, varname = 'Ps', array = xy_PsA )   ! (in)

      call VorDiv2UV( dyn_sp_as = dyn, xyz_Vor = xyz_VorA, xyz_Div = xyz_DivA, xyz_U   = xyz_UA,   xyz_V   = xyz_VA )    ! (out)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_U, varname = 'U', array = xyz_UA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_xyz_V, varname = 'V', array = xyz_VA )   ! (in)

      !  ファイル出力に関してメッセージを表示
      !  Print message of file output
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'History data (time=%f %c) is output.', d=(/EvalbyUnit(current_time + delta_time, history_interval_unit)/), c1=trim(history_interval_unit) )

    end if

    !  リスタートファイルへのデータ出力
    !  Restart data output
    if ( mod(current_time + delta_time, restart_interval_time) == 0 ) then

      !  ステップ $ t $ のデータの出力
      !  Output data on step $ t $
      call HistorySetTime( history = gthist_restart, time = real( EvalbyUnit(current_time, restart_interval_unit) ) )   ! (in)

      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Vor', array = xyz_VorN )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Div', array = xyz_DivN )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Temp', array = xyz_TempN )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'QVap', array = xyz_QVapN )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Ps', array = xy_PsN )   ! (in)

      !  ステップ $ t + \Delta t $ のデータの出力
      !  Output data on step $ t \Delta t $
      call HistorySetTime( history = gthist_restart, time = real( EvalbyUnit(current_time + delta_time, restart_interval_unit) ) )   ! (in)

      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Vor', array = xyz_VorA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Div', array = xyz_DivA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Temp', array = xyz_TempA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'QVap', array = xyz_QVapA )   ! (in)
      call HistoryPut( history = gthist_restart, varname = 'Ps', array = xy_PsA )   ! (in)

      !  ファイル出力に関してメッセージを表示
      !  Print message of file output
      call MessageNotify( 'M', subname, 'Restart data (time=%f %a - %f %a, and %f %a) is output to "%c"', d=(/ EvalbyUnit(current_time + delta_time, restart_interval_unit), delta_time_value, EvalbyUnit(current_time + delta_time, restart_interval_unit) /), ca=StoA( trim(restart_interval_unit), trim(delta_time_unit), trim(restart_interval_unit) ), c1=trim(restart_filename) )

    end if

    call Stop(clk_histput)   ! (inout)

    !  プログラム終了までの予測 CPU 時間および予測日時を表示
    !  Print predicted CPU time and date to finish of program
    if ( mod(current_time + delta_time, predict_show_interval_time) == 0 ) then
      call Predict( clk  = clk_setup + clk_histget + clk_histput + clk_dyn + clk_phy + clk_tfilt, progress = real( ( current_time + delta_time - start_time ) / total_time ) ) ! (in)
    end if

    !  予測変数の時刻付け替え
    !  Exchange time of prediction variables
    xyz_VorB = xyz_VorN
    xyz_VorN = xyz_VorA
    xyz_VorA = 0.0_DP

    xyz_DivB = xyz_DivN
    xyz_DivN = xyz_DivA
    xyz_DivA = 0.0_DP

    xyz_TempB = xyz_TempN
    xyz_TempN = xyz_TempA
    xyz_TempA = 0.0_DP

    xyz_QVapB = xyz_QVapN
    xyz_QVapN = xyz_QVapA
    xyz_QVapA = 0.0_DP

    xy_PsB = xy_PsN
    xy_PsN = xy_PsA
    xy_PsA = 0.0_DP

    !  現在時刻の更新
    !  Update current time
    current_time = current_time + delta_time
  enddo MainLoop

  !  ヒストリファイルへのデータ出力の終了処理
  !  Terminate history data output
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_xyz_U )    ! (inout)
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_xyz_V )    ! (inout)
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_xyz_Vor )  ! (inout)
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_xyz_Div )  ! (inout)
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_xyz_Temp ) ! (inout)
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_xyz_QVap ) ! (inout)
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_xy_Ps )    ! (inout)

  !  リスタートファイルへのデータ出力の終了処理
  !  Terminate restart data output
  call HistoryClose( history = gthist_restart )  ! (inout)

  !  CPU 時間の総計を表示
  !  Print total CPU time
  call Result( clks = (/clk_setup, clk_histget, clk_histput, clk_dyn, clk_phy, clk_tfilt/), total_auto = .true.)                             ! (in)

  call EndSub( subname )
end program dcpam_hs94
