Meridional circulation advection test
But, compile options, -DSLTT2D1DMONOTONIC and -DAXISYMMETRY, are used.
Setting and results
Common settings
- Advection test by Earth's Hadley type meridional circulation
- Wind velocities are assumed (mass stream function(x1e10)).
- No Physical processes.
- This is similar to Case 1-2 described in this document.
- Integration period: 30 days
Individual settings and results
- Resolution: T170L100, No ArcSine transformation
- namelist file: Initial condition, Execution
- Results
- Mixing ratio at sigma=0.6
- Using mass fixer (animation), (30th day)
- No mass fixer (animation), (30th day)
- Mixing ratio at sigma=0.6
- Resolution: T170L100
- namelist file: Initial condition, Execution
- Results
- Mixing ratio at sigma=0.6
- Using mass fixer (animation), (30th day)
- No mass fixer (animation), (30th day)
- Mixing ratio at sigma=0.6