
Path: dc_utils/dccaldatedifference.f90
Last Update: Fri Sep 24 16:07:31 +0900 2010


Evaluate difference of date.

Authors:Yasuhiro MORIKAWA
Version:$Id: dccaldatedifference.f90,v 1.7 2010-09-24 07:07:31 morikawa Exp $
Tag Name:$Name: gtool5-20100924 $
Copyright:Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2009-. All rights reserved.

このファイルに記載される手続き群は dc_calendar モジュールから提供されます.

Procedures described in this file are provided from "dc_calendar" module.

Required files


Included Modules

dc_calendar_internal dc_calendar_types dc_error dc_message dc_trace dc_types

Public Instance methods

Function :
sec :real(DP)
: start_dateend_date との差 (秒数). Difference (seconds) between start_date and end_date.
start_date :type(DC_CAL_DATE), intent(in)
: 起点となる日時. Date of origin.
end_date :type(DC_CAL_DATE), intent(in)
: 終点となる日時. Date of terminus.
cal :type(DC_CAL), intent(in), optional, target
: 暦情報を収めたオブジェクト.

An object that stores information of calendar.


省略可能引数 cal が省略された場合には, 日時差の算出に dc_calendar 内部で保持される暦が用いられます. cal が省略されない場合にはその変数に設定された暦が用いられます.

Evaluate difference of date.

If an optional argument cal is omitted, information of calendar that is stored in the "dc_calendar" is used for evaluation of difference of date. If cal is not omitted, information of the variable is used.


function DCCalDateDifference1( start_date, end_date, cal ) result(sec)
  ! 日時差を算出します. 
  ! 省略可能引数 *cal* が省略された場合には, 日時差の算出に
  ! dc_calendar 内部で保持される暦が用いられます. 
  ! *cal* が省略されない場合にはその変数に設定された暦が用いられます. 
  ! Evaluate difference of date. 
  ! If an optional argument *cal* is omitted, 
  ! information of calendar that is stored in the "dc_calendar" 
  ! is used for evaluation of difference of date. 
  ! If *cal* is not omitted, information of the variable is used. 

  use dc_calendar_internal, only: default_cal, default_cal_set, dccaltype_str, dccaldate_str2usym
  use dc_error, only: StoreError, DC_NOERR, DC_EBADUNIT, DC_ENOTINIT
  use dc_message, only: MessageNotify
  use dc_trace, only: BeginSub, EndSub
  use dc_types, only: DP, TOKEN, STRING
  implicit none
  real(DP):: sec
                              ! *start_date* と *end_date* との差 (秒数). 
                              ! Difference (seconds) between *start_date* and *end_date*.
  type(DC_CAL_DATE), intent(in):: start_date
                              ! 起点となる日時. 
                              ! Date of origin. 
  type(DC_CAL_DATE), intent(in):: end_date
                              ! 終点となる日時. 
                              ! Date of terminus. 
  type(DC_CAL), intent(in), optional, target:: cal
                              ! 暦情報を収めたオブジェクト. 
                              ! An object that stores information of 
                              ! calendar. 

  ! 作業変数
  ! Work variables
  type(DC_CAL), pointer:: calp =>null()
  real(DP):: start_year, start_day, start_sec, start_neg_offset_day
  real(DP)::   end_year,   end_day,   end_sec,   end_neg_offset_day
  integer:: day_in_4years, day_in_400years
  integer:: start_year_int, end_year_int
  integer:: i, j
  character(*), parameter:: subname = 'DCCalDateDifference1'
  ! オブジェクトのポインタ割付
  ! Associate pointer of an object
  if ( present( cal ) ) then
    calp => cal
    calp => default_cal
    if ( .not. calp % initialized ) call default_cal_set
  end if

  ! 初期設定のチェック
  ! Check initialization
  if ( .not. calp % initialized ) then
    sec = 0.0_DP
  end if

  if ( .not. start_date % initialized ) then
    sec = 0.0_DP
  end if

  if ( .not. end_date % initialized ) then
    sec = 0.0_DP
  end if

  start_neg_offset_day = 0
  end_neg_offset_day   = 0

  start_year_int = start_date % year
  end_year_int   = end_date % year

  ! 日への変換
  ! Convert into days
  select case( calp % cal_type )
  case( CAL_JULIAN )

    day_in_4years = 1461

    ! 年が負の場合,400 年単位で引き算し下駄を履かせる
    do while ( start_year_int < 1 )
      start_neg_offset_day =   start_neg_offset_day + day_in_4years * 100
      start_year_int       =   start_year_int + 400
    end do

    ! start_date の日への変換
    ! Convert start_date into days
    if ( ( start_year_int - 1 ) > 4 ) then
      start_day = int( ( start_year_int - 1 ) / 4 ) * day_in_4years
      start_year = mod( start_year_int - 1, 4 ) + 1
      start_day  = 0
      start_year = start_year_int
    end if

    start_day = start_day + ( start_year - 1 ) * sum ( calp % day_in_month(:) )
    do i = 1, start_date % month - 1
      if ( start_year == 4 .and. i == 2 ) then
        start_day = start_day + 29
        start_day = start_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
      end if
    end do
    start_day = start_day + start_date % day

    ! 年が負の場合,400 年単位で引き算し下駄を履かせる
    do while ( end_year_int < 1 )
      end_neg_offset_day =   end_neg_offset_day + day_in_4years * 100
      end_year_int       =   end_year_int + 400
    end do

    ! end_date の日への変換
    ! Convert end_date into days
    if ( ( end_year_int - 1 ) > 4 ) then
      end_day = int( ( end_year_int - 1 ) / 4 ) * day_in_4years
      end_year = mod( end_year_int - 1, 4 ) + 1
      end_day  = 0
      end_year = end_year_int
    end if

    end_day = end_day + ( end_year - 1 ) * sum ( calp % day_in_month(:) )
    do i = 1, end_date % month - 1
      if ( end_year == 4 .and. i == 2 ) then
        end_day = end_day + 29
        end_day = end_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
      end if
    end do
    end_day = end_day + end_date % day


    day_in_400years = 146097

    ! 年が負の場合,400 年単位で引き算し下駄を履かせる
    do while ( start_year_int < 1 )
      start_neg_offset_day =   start_neg_offset_day + day_in_400years
      start_year_int       =   start_year_int + 400
    end do

    ! start_date の日への変換
    ! Convert start_date into days
    if ( ( start_year_int - 1 ) > 400 ) then
      start_day = int( ( start_year_int - 1 ) / 400 ) * day_in_400years
      start_year = mod( start_year_int - 1, 400 ) + 1
      start_day  = 0
      start_year = start_year_int
    end if

    do j = 1, int( start_year - 1 )
      do i = 1, calp % month_in_year
        if ( i == 2 ) then
          if     ( mod( j, 400 ) == 0 ) then
            start_day = start_day + 29
          elseif ( mod( j, 100 ) == 0 ) then
            start_day = start_day + 28
          elseif ( mod( j, 4   ) == 0 ) then
            start_day = start_day + 29
            start_day = start_day + 28
          end if
          start_day = start_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
        end if
      end do
    end do

    do i = 1, start_date % month - 1
      if ( i == 2 ) then
        if     ( mod( start_year, 400.0_DP ) == 0 ) then
          start_day = start_day + 29
        elseif ( mod( start_year, 100.0_DP ) == 0 ) then
          start_day = start_day + 28
        elseif ( mod( start_year, 4.0_DP   ) == 0 ) then
          start_day = start_day + 29
          start_day = start_day + 28
        end if
        start_day = start_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
      end if
    end do

    start_day = start_day + start_date % day

    ! 年が負の場合,400 年単位で引き算し下駄を履かせる
    do while ( end_year_int < 1 )
      end_neg_offset_day =   end_neg_offset_day + day_in_400years
      end_year_int       =   end_year_int + 400
    end do

    ! end_date の日への変換
    ! Convert end_date into days
    if ( ( end_year_int - 1 ) > 400 ) then
      end_day = int( ( end_year_int - 1 ) / 400 ) * day_in_400years
      end_year = mod( end_year_int - 1, 400 ) + 1
      end_day  = 0
      end_year = end_year_int
    end if

    do j = 1, int( end_year - 1 )
      do i = 1, calp % month_in_year
        if ( i == 2 ) then
          if     ( mod( j, 400 ) == 0 ) then
            end_day = end_day + 29
          elseif ( mod( j, 100 ) == 0 ) then
            end_day = end_day + 28
          elseif ( mod( j, 4   ) == 0 ) then
            end_day = end_day + 29
            end_day = end_day + 28
          end if
          end_day = end_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
        end if
      end do
    end do

    do i = 1, end_date % month - 1
      if ( i == 2 ) then
        if     ( mod( end_year, 400.0_DP ) == 0 ) then
          end_day = end_day + 29
        elseif ( mod( end_year, 100.0_DP ) == 0 ) then
          end_day = end_day + 28
        elseif ( mod( end_year, 4.0_DP   ) == 0 ) then
          end_day = end_day + 29
          end_day = end_day + 28
        end if
        end_day = end_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
      end if
    end do

    end_day = end_day + end_date % day

  case default
    ! start_date の日への変換
    ! Convert start_date into days
    start_day = ( start_year_int - 1 ) * sum ( calp % day_in_month(:) )
    do i = 1, start_date % month - 1
      start_day = start_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
    end do
    start_day = start_day + start_date % day

    ! end_date の日への変換
    ! Convert end_date into days
    end_day = ( end_year_int - 1 ) * sum ( calp % day_in_month(:) )
    do i = 1, end_date % month - 1
      end_day = end_day + calp % day_in_month(i)
    end do
    end_day = end_day + end_date % day
  end select

  ! start_date の秒への変換
  ! Convert start_date into seconds
  start_sec =   ( start_day - 1 - start_neg_offset_day ) * calp % hour_in_day * calp % min_in_hour * calp % sec_in_min + start_date % hour * calp % min_in_hour * calp % sec_in_min + start_date % min  * calp % sec_in_min + start_date % sec

  ! end_date の秒への変換
  ! Convert end_date into seconds
  end_sec =   ( end_day - 1 - end_neg_offset_day ) * calp % hour_in_day * calp % min_in_hour * calp % sec_in_min + end_date % hour * calp % min_in_hour * calp % sec_in_min + end_date % min  * calp % sec_in_min + end_date % sec

  ! 差分の計算
  ! Calculate difference
  sec = end_sec - start_sec

  ! 終了処理, 例外処理
  ! Termination and Exception handling
999 continue
  nullify( calp )
end function DCCalDateDifference1